Prostate Cancer Survivors






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Apologies for the delays in updates and data being loaded – I have had a good deal of trouble with the ISP who lost a lot of data. Fortunately I had backup files and these have now been uploaded. Can I ask you all a special favour? Can you check whatever pages you might normally visit to make sure they are working properly – I can’t check all 1500+ pages myself. If there are any problems can you please mail me, at and give the page address – just clip and paste off your browser and a brief description of the problem.

Amongst the stories on this update are two that illustrate the range of this disease: Andre H diagnosed at 45 with might be termed an insignificant disease (T1c/GS6/PSA3.0) and Roy White diagnosed at 72 with an aggressive disease (T4/GS10/PSA7,000.0 ng/ml)

RON HARD RIP chose not to suffer the pain of bone metastases after his Alternative Therapies failed to manage or cure his advanced disease

CHOICES - NOTES includes reference to a newly developed technique of extracting the prostate gland through the penis (ouch!) termed Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic Surgery, or NOTES

JAKE HANNAM has decided on Focal Cryotherapy after his GS 8 diagnosis

BOB KAHN recently diagnosed and considering CyberKnife® or PBT (Proton Beam Therapy)

DOUG HARVEY chose RP (Radical Prostatectomy) but is worried about changes in ultra-sensitive tests and the effect of statins

K BRIT diagnosed in May and chose RALP (Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Surgery)

MIKE U chose RP (Radical Prostatectomy) over EBRT (External Beam Radiation Therapy) for his GS 10 diagnosis after multi-disciplinary review – an excellent concept

NEIL P elected to have RALP (Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy)

ANIL NATHANEY diagnosed with PSA 38/GS 7/T3c tumour in November 2009 and choose neoadjuvant ADT (Androgen Deprivation Therapy) and EBRT (External Beam Radiation Therapy)

RICHARD TRAISTER after toying with the idea of Active Surveillance has chosen IMRT (Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy) despite a falling PSA

KEITH TWEED is undecided after his July 23 diagnosis of what seems to be an insignificant tumour

BOB WOOD PSA still dropping after his EBRT (External Beam Radiation Therapy) with adjuvant ADT (Androgen Deprivation Therapy) – no serious side effects

TOM JOHNSON four star Gold member – diagnosed in 1996 PSA 100/GS7/Stage T4– has been off Chemotherapy after failed ADT (Androgen Deprivation Therapy) for almost 18 months and his PSA is still staying down

BARRY COWAN undetectable PSA after EBRT (External Beam Radiation Therapy) and adjuvant ADT (Androgen Deprivation Therapy)

DAVE MARTINEZ chose RALP after his on again/off again diagnosis PSA still undetectable and Viagra is working

STEVE B diagnosed in October 2008 at age 40 with a PSA of 41, GS8, T4 tumour he had neo adjuvant ADT (Androgen Deprivation Therapy) and Surgery

TODD MERRITT happy with the outcome of his RALP (Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy) with a PSA of 0.08, no ED and a downgraded GS to one spot of GS6

DAVID KING has been able to reduce his Viagra dosage to deal with his ED after RALP (Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy) in 2007

DENNIS CUNNINGHAM has decided to go Watchful Waiting as a solo exercise since he cannot find a doctor to support his decision despite an apparently insignificant tumor diagnosis and falling PSA

RAY L two and a half years after surgery has undetectable PSA but ED issues persist

SUDHANSHU GOUR still keeping his PSA down after his original PSA 377/GS 8/T3 diagnosis and EBRT (External Beam Radiation Therapy) plus ADT (Androgen Deprivation Therapy) – interesting comments on the ‘socialist’ nature of medical treatment in India

STEPHEN DUGDALE has some support for a Watchful Waiting/Active Surveillance approach

JOHN FARROW on Abiraterone Acetate + Prednisone trial with falling PSA and retreating tumour but a new side effect affecting his vision

ROBERT WALLACE still battling urinary problems after his Brachytherapy and has some ‘hangover’ effects from adjuvant ADT (Androgen Deprivation Therapy)

LES TENNEY PSA is still low after EBRT (External Beam Radiation Therapy) and adjuvant ADT (Androgen Deprivation Therapy)

JOSEPH SMITH Silver member six years out from his RP (Radical Prostatectomy) uses Testosterone supplement but still has ED – his stricture problems are well behind him

BOB B decided to have adjuvant EBRT (External Beam Radiation Therapy) despite the apparent success of his RALP (Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy)

JERRY SULLIVAN chose EBRT (External Beam Radiation Therapy) plus Brachytherapy and his PSA is bouncing some

ANDRE H despite his youth – under 50 - he decided on Active Surveillance as a better option than aggressive treatment

ROY WHITE had a very bad diagnosis T4/GS10/PSA 7,000.0 when diagnosed two years ago. Metastases are retreating but PSA is increasing again from a low of 4.6 ng/ml

GEORGE CROZIER chose RALP (Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy) and has an undetectable PSA and ED

ROBERT CURTIS has extensive soft tissue metastases despite a low PSA of 1.40 after failed RP (Radical Prostatectomy) , EBRT (External Beam Radiation Therapy) and ADT (Androgen Deprivation Therapy) and feels he will not last much longer

PAUL PROUE in the six months since his diagnosis his PSA has halved while he practices Active Surveillance

DANE SHELDON chose RALP (Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Surgery) ED is a work in progress as is his Peyronie’s disease

GREGG MORRISON one of our Platinum members – diagnosed almost 20 years ago in 1991 and having a RP (Radical Prostatectomy) Gregg is battling a number of age related health issues

BRENT ECCLES Silver member concerned about a rising PSA – now 1.40 ng/ml five years after RP (Radical Prostatectomy) and EBRT (External Beam Radiation Treatment)after

RICK DURBIN four years after failed RP (Radical Prostatectomy) for a GS8 metastasized disease, ADT (Androgen Deprivation Therapy) has kept his PSA down and his spirits up

STEVE SYWAK two and a half years after RALP (Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy) with hard work and a daily dose of Viagra he has achieved pre-surgical erection status

All the best

Terry in Australia