Prostate Cancer Survivors






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Urinary Tract Infection?


It has been almost one month since my Dad had his prostatectomy and in the past few days he has had a low grade fever, headache and a feeling of nausea. He decided to go to the drop in clinic and they did a urine sample. It showed there is blood present. He has been put on antibiotics for a urinary tract infection. I was wondering if anyone else had a UTI after their prostate surgery, what were your signs and symptoms, do they occur frequently? It is very disappointing that he is already feeling under the weather so soon after his surgery and while he is trying to deal with all the other post-surgery stuff. Thanks so much for any information. I really appreciate it. I am very grateful for this website.

All the best,

Re: Urinary Tract Infection?

Yes Pauline. If I remember correctly about 3 weeks after removal of the catheter I developed a UTI. It presented as a feeling of a constant desire to piddle and a burning when I went. A course of antibiotics fixed it up in about a week.

Re: Urinary Tract Infection?

Aloha Pauline,
I did not have surgery. I've been treated for UTI every couple of years. Usually I do not know that I've got it until I get a check up or I have cloudy urine. I've heard that the older we get (men), the more likely we will have UTI. I've also heard that we don't know it until we are admitted, and that this condition may be the highest cause of admittance for older men. (this came from a friend, who was being treated for UTI, as told to him by a doc friend)