Prostate Cancer Survivors






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Surprising improvement....

Following a lack of IMRT success due to the cancer having escaped from the capsule, rising PSA and subsequent CT and bone scans, cancer in my lymph nodes in the kidney and lung areas was clearly manifest. Now some three months later, without any ADT intervention or dietary change, I have received the results of a second set of radiation reports. Although there is 'some mild bone suspicion; what I find most startling is the change in lymph disease. There is "an improvement in the metastatic tumor burden involving lymph nodes' in all areas of my body where before lymph enlargement existed.
Is this somehow normal ? I can imagine that if I had consented to ADT three months ago my doctors would be waving this report as proof positive that hormone therapy, despite all its horrid side effects, is working. There is surely a reason for this change and I am wondering if others have had a similar experience or should I just chalk this up to good fortune and continue to hold on tight ?

Re: Surprising improvement....

Aloha Patrick,
Way to go!!!! We are still a long way from understanding what is happening to us. If it is intervention, that would give hope to a lot of people. Yes, the docs would have gotten the credit if you had followed their recommendations. I hope this path will lead to healing for you.