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Travel After RRP Surgery

I'm having RPP surgery early Nov, and I have booked for a 5 day golfing trip late Mar 2010 in Victora, and a flight to England in June 2010 to attend a family event.

Should I seriously think about canceling these 2 trips as they are too soon after surgery? The golf trip will be 5 moths after surgery, and the England trip 7 months after surgery.

Would love to know how long it takes to get back to "normal" after RPP. Is a 5 days golfing trip "pushing" it just 5 months from surgery?

55 y.o. in Perth WA

Re: Travel After RRP Surgery

I know of an RRP surgeon who shows prospective patients a book full of photos of patients at 3 weeks post surgery doing all sorts of physically demanding outdoor activities from golf to cycling to tennis to sailing etc.

That being said, my own surgeon advised against cycling for 6 weeks post surgery as well as heavy lifting for that duration. My own experience (having RRP at age 40) was that golf (even carrying my bag and walking long distances) at 4-5 months post surgery would have been no problem, nor would a flight at 7-8 months. From a flight standpoint, the worst case might be in terms of continence and/or needing to get up fairly often to visit the restroom.

You need to be able to judge your own recuperative powers, and guess how you will feel mentally. But, I personally wouldn't consider cancelling.

Re: Travel After RRP Surgery

I too was concerned about travel after my LRP on Nov 6th 2008. In particular, going back to Illinois for Xmas from California. At my 6 week check-up after surgery, the surgeon said there would be no problem. At that point my incontinence was confined to using one of my wife's "light days" pad and two weeks later at the time of the flight (4-1/2 hours) a little less. I was able to return to the gym two months past surgery doing mostly cardio and light weights. All this to say, I would make your plans and just adjust your golf handicap if necessary (you might be able to win a few bucks from your chums too!).

Re: Travel After RRP Surgery


Please make sure you're comparing apples with apples here.

RRP is Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy

RPP is Radical Perineal Prostatectomy (which Dick indicated was his potential choice yesterday)

LRP is Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy

I try to avoid acronyms for this reason.

All have differing recovery times - and each man's recovery tmie is different.

Terry in Australia

Re: Travel After RRP Surgery

Ricky: I had surgery and even thought I walked every day thereafter, I can tell you 6 months out your body is still in the healing stage although you may feel fine. Travel certainly would be not problem but I would not play a full game of competitive golf and risk the possible consequences.


Re: Travel After RRP Surgery

As Terry rightly points out, avoid acronyms. My surgery is going to be a conventional Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy.

Thanks for the replys, still considering the golf thing. Would hate to have continence problems at that stage.
