Prostate Cancer Survivors






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Rise in PSA after only 6 months hormone therapy

Hi, We are new to this site. Just registered but as Terry is away I guess will have to wait until he has returned to get processed. Anyway my husband who was diagnosed with advanced metastatic PCa in Oct. 08 His initial PSA on diagnosis was 141 with a Gleason score of 8 and staging of D2 was started on Flutamide for 3 wks prior to Zoladex. He then had Casodex 50 mg. added and experienced a flare of his alkaline phosphatase to 795. This has now normalized. His liver function is normal. He responded well initially to hormone therapy with his PSA dropping to 39, 17, 6.9 in March but in June it jumped to 8.8. Does this mean that the 6.9 will likely be his lowest level. The oncologist has stopped the Casodex and will reassess him in 6 wks with another PSA test. His initial bone scan showed very extensive bone mets from head to toe. We are very worried. He thankfully has very little pain at the moment just stiff and achy. Any thoughts appreciated

Re: Rise in PSA after only 6 months hormone therapy

Rhonda is your husband receiving Zometa?. This helps strengthen his bones. It is highly recommended that you get a second opinion from an oncologist who specializes in prostate cancer. I am sure that if you tell us where you live some one on the list will be able to advise you on your nearest specialist.

Lenny Hirsch

Re: Rise in PSA after only 6 months hormone therapy

Hi Rhonda, and welcome to the site.

It doesn't matter if your membership isn't fully processed yet. You have full access to everything here.
Terry will be back mid July to handle updates etc.

Lenny is so right about getting a second opinion from an oncologist spcialising in PCa.
Someone here will probably know of one if you say where you're based at the end of your posts.

My own PSA started at 182 in March 2005 and took a full 18 months to reach its lowest level.
However, I did get down to around 1.0 in seven months.
I had the three weeks on cyproterene tablets before starting on the zoladex (lupron) injections.

Although my staging was a T4 I was incredibly lucky that there was no spread to my bones, despite the high PSA etc.

For some reason my oncologist was very much against me having Casodex added to the Zoladex. He was confident that Zoladex alone would bring down the PSA.
He was right, but I've often wondered why he was so averse to Casodex. I notice that it doesn't seem to have particularly helped your husband.
Has anyone else had an oncologist who held similar views?

Rhonda, ask anything you like of us here. Never hesitate to email any of the mentors whose history is very similar to your husband's.
That's how we all start, finding a case history which mirrors our own and seeking help and advice from those who have experienced all you are both facing now.

Warmest wishes, and the best of luck for a good recovery.



Re: Rise in PSA after only 6 months hormone therapy

I had a similar response to Lupron/Casodex. My initial PSA was 375 I started treatment Sept08 and Feb 09 my PSA stopped dropping at 16.9 and by June 09 it was up to 133. You may get lucky and by stopping Casodex get a further drop in PSA. There are numerous clinical trials that are available and new drugs coming out all the time. How old is your husband and how is his health in general?
As has been said by others you can get excellent support and experience on this site.

Re: Rise in PSA after only 6 months hormone therapy

Sorry for delay in responding. My husband has had a further rise in PSA to 18 in 4 weeks. The oncologist feel he should try chemo but we are reluctant. My husband has coronary artery disease and we are told this could impact his heart. He is seeing his cardiologist for an assessment first. His T level is definitely at castrate level so it is felt that no further hormone manipulation will help. Can some answer how much time generally does chemo add to your survival and are the side effects worth it if your current quality of life is good. Despite wide spread mets. he has no pain and few side effects from the Zoladex. Would appreciate any feedback. Rhonda