Prostate Cancer Survivors






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bowel prep

I was wondering what bowel prep was the easiest to do? I did one before my biopsy (half Lytle, I think) which tasted pretty bad. It helped to chill it first, but still had a strange taste and thickness. I will be having my robotic surgery sometime in April, so I'm trying to plan ahead!

PS. What constitues a liquid diet? Jello? (flavor?) tea/coffee? Broth? etc...

Thanks in advance.

Rick Miell (Colorado, USA)

Re: bowel prep

I'm probably the wrong one to talk since I followed my doctor's instructions and still got an infection after my biosy (it cleared up easily enough and that was the only side effect so not a big deal).

I did follow my (different) doctor's instructions for the surgery and there were no issues there. Other than the liquid diet, the only other prep that I recall was a Fleet enema (such fun) morning of the surgery. The reason for having empty bowels is that if the surgeon accidentally nicks the bowel wall it helps minimize the risk of very serious complications.

As for liquid diet, check with your doctor's office. Each seems to have their own definition. You probably want to stay away from caffeine and excessive salt, not to mention anything that might cause constipation.


Re: bowel prep


If memory serves, the biopsy only required a Fleet enema while the surgery required almost as much as a colonoscopy. That includes that awful tasting stuff you mentioned as well as clear fluids late in the game. At that point, stay away from dairy. Jello, tea/coffee without dairy and plain broth are OK. I also remember being told to ejaculate the night before surgery. Well, if I must...

Just remember that it may be your last opportunity to get an erection and ejaculate.

Paul A. RI, USA.

Re: bowel prep

Prior to biopsy, I was told to use a Fleet's enema while sitting on the toilet (as in, there was no need to be lying prone). Didn't work well enough and I ended up with an infection.

Prior to surgery, it was a Fleet's enema again but in a prone position. I just went through the colonoscopy routine a few months ago so that agony is well etched in my mind but I definitely didn't need to do that prior to the surgery. But, your surgeon should be giving you detailed prep instructions.


Re: bowel prep

I had Fleet for pre-brachy planning and for the procedure, this was 1 bottle 12 hrs before and another 1 hour later, don't go far from the toilet at 30 minutes after ingestion !!!!! pow....
chris nz

Re: bowel prep

For those who have suffered a raw bottom from constantly wiping during a bowel flush, may I recommend an alternative? Get one of those squeezable sports bottles with a drinking tube attached. Fill it with luke-warm water and use it as a douche. Just pat dry with TP and your bum will thank you. My first colonoscopy was memorable for the extreme pain in the butt. The second was much more endurable using the douche technique.

Paul A. RI, USA.

Re: bowel prep

Try storing your toilet paper in the freezer /-).

Re: bowel prep

When I had my biopsy back in February the doctor and pharmacist both recommended mixing the Half Lytely with some lemonade mix such as Crystal Lite rather than the flavor packets that came with it. I found that worked well and did not notice any unpleasant taste. I had to do both the bowel prep the night before and the enema the morning of the biopsy. If possible, make sure you get the saline type enema rather than the oil based one. I had oily stool for over a week after using the oil based one.

When I had my surgery in April, I to do the enema again the morning of the surgery.

As far as the liquid diet, your doctor should give you a list of acceptable items.
