Prostate Cancer Survivors






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Natural Therapy or Surgery?

I received a new entry for the website from Doris, a lady in Queensland, Australia. Because of my backlog it will take a whle before it is on the site, so I thought I might post her question below. Her husband is 67, PSA was 3.6 ng/ml and his Gleason Score was 3+4=7.

Here's what Doris says:
I need information for my husband, the doctor suggested key hole operation but, we are not sure what is best to do. We trust that The Lord is healing the cancer. At the same time I am giving my husband plenty of natural medicines such as Selenium with vitamin E, achiote with cat's claw,(those are herbs from Peru)to treat prostate problems, flaxseed with pomegranate juice. I prepare his meals with plenty of green vegetables including broccoli and plenty of tomatoes. He is feeling well but a bit anxious as he also suffers from depression. I had gone through cancer myself in the past but, my husband has always been my stength after God. We don't like the thought of the after operation effects and would like to try some natural treatment. My naturapah is going to prepare a herb tonic I found in the internet, which seems very good of well known chinese herbs. Of course, we are not discounting the operation but, would like to have more information from other men who have had it. May God Bless and heal you all. Faith and Prayer makes miracles happen. (I should know, there have been many miracles in our lives), please believe me that to ask for The Lord's help is the best medicine. I look forward reading your stories and experiences which really help to the ones like us, facing the so new and frightening situation. Doris for Don

Terry in Australia