Prostate Cancer Survivors






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Gleason 3+4 and question about radiation

Ok, 2 questions:
1. What exactly does gleason scale of 3+4 mean.
2. If they radiate your prostate bed after surgery. Can they again radiate the same area if there is a re-occurrence in the future?


Re: Gleason 3+4 and question about radiation


It seems from these questions that you may not have been through the pages of the Yana site. Can I suggest you do that - there is a good deal of basic material there that you should know about - just click on the Return to Website link above

If you don't want to do that, then to answer your questions:

1. Go along to the page labelled DIAGNOSIS and if you page down you will come to another link to a full decription of the Gleason Grading system. Basically this involves a pathologist examining the material retrieved in a biopsy and deciding how far the majority of the cells (between 50% and 95%) are from the normal look of the prostate cells and grading them on a scale from 1-5. In your husband's case that was 3 - slap bang in the middle of the scale. Then they look at what is called a secondary focus (between 5% and 49% of the cells in the sample and grade that on the same scale. In your husband's case, these cells are graded as 4 - in other words they are a little further from normal than the majority of cells. Add the two grades together - 3+4=7 and you have what is known as the Gleason Score. Gleason Scores of 6 and 7 are what the majority of men are diagnosed with these days.

2. No it is not possible to re-radiate after the initial therapy - the dose would be too high and would be dangerous.

You don't say that your husband's diagnosis is, but are you aware of the term "insignficant tumor" which is defined as being:

1. Nonpalpable
2. Stage T1c
3. Percent free PSA 15 or greater
4. Gleason 7 (3+4) or less
5. Less than three needle cores with none greater than 50% tumour.

If this fits your husband's diagnosis, then you should consider Active Surveillance along with your other options, bearing in mind what leading pathologist Dr Jonathan Oppenheimer says on his BLOG For the vast majority of men with a recent diagnosis of prostate cancer the most important question is not what treatment is needed, but whether any treatment at all is required. Active surveillance is the logical choice for most men (and the families that love them) to make.

Good luck with whatever path you choose - and never stop asking questions!

All the best

Terry in Australia

Re: Re: Gleason 3+4 and question about radiation

Sorry Terry, actually I have been through the website backwards and forward and forgot about the Gleason scale explanation. I guess I don't obsess about it as much as a year ago.
The radiation question was possibly to vague. My hubby is Jeff B (44yrs) so you can check out his story.
He had clean up radiation after surgery because it extended outside the capsule.
We were under the assumption that if necessary (God forbid) that if it came back, radiation would still be a treatment option. Am I wrong with that?

Thank you again!

Re: Re: Re: Gleason 3+4 and question about radiation


I am sorry I didn't recognise the name - in my defence I can only say that we have almost 500 stories now.

Going to read Jeff's story ( Jeff B for anyonewho wants to read it) I can understand and empathise with you in your concerns, with his family history. People who do not have this history might not be too concerned, if they had the good features of Jeff's diagnosis, but there are times when logic is defeated by emotion. That is not a criticism - we all have that problem more or less, from time to time.

I wonder if it would help you to 'talk' in private to other women who have partners with our shared disease? If so, go along to LADIES ONLY FORUM. Of course I don't know what goes on there - we mere men are excluded (grin) but I do know that Judy Thurman, who runs the forum is a wonderful woman and that many ladies have been greatly comforted by going there.

As to your question, what Tony says is correct, as far as I know, but I must also say that it seems that it is unlikely that you would have to worrry about the issue, given the informaiton posted in Jeff's story.

Good luck

Terry in Australi

Re: Gleason 3+4 and question about radiation


It would depend on the dosage but off-hand I would say probably not.

The radiologist likely gave your husband as much radiation in the pelvic region as was prudent to eradicate any cancer that was left after surgery.

Once a region has been irradiated it cannot be repeated.

He could have radiation to other parts of the body if the need arose, but not where he has already received a maximum dosage.

After a prostatectomy and radiation therapy, if the cancer returns it would probably be controlled with hormone therapy.

Tony - USA

Re: Gleason 3+4 and question about radiation

Hi Linda,

I'm the Judy that Terry mentioned in his message to you. I'd like to invite you and any women here who would like contact with many other women who are walking a similar path as join the Ladies Only Forum. We have just changed owners of the forum and actually have a brand new address. To reach us just go to: and there you will find some information about the forum and in the upper right hand corner the word "register". Just click on that and you can begin the process of joining. It's not difficult but since we only allow women to join it is closed to men. People can't just click on the url and read.

Above all, at the Ladies Only Forum we certainly understand what is running through your head...and it is a very safe place to ask questions and share struggles. There are many women there with significant experience and knowledge about prostate cancer and everyone is willing to share and listen.

If you have any difficult joining just email me directly and we'll give you the help to make that happen! Actually, I am now part of a team of women who moderate and enjoy the forum. We would love to have you (and any other ladies)join.

I read your husband's story and I'm glad that his treatment so far has kept the psa at undetectable! Hurray! Having the family history of PC that he does is concerning though. With vigilance and diligence and continuing your PC education, he is far ahead of the game. You're very wise to be asking questions and being proactive!
Hugs, Judy

Re: Re: Gleason 3+4 and question about radiation

Thanks for all of your answers, I will try out the women's only forum too!