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Re: Vitamin D3

There was a Phase II trial through the Mayo Clinic that showed an improvement in doubling time using 2000 i.u. of D3.
Nutrition and Cancer
2005, Vol. 51, No. 1, Pages 32-36
Charles Myers, MD is currently running a Phase II trial of similar design. Many men in online sources report success, others not. The key to vitamin D3 is that it has significant effects on health throughout the body. Bone support is well known, but regulation of cell growth and strengthened immune response are also significantly improved with high normal levels of D3. These facts are indisputable. All of these things are important for men watching psa closely. The general health effects are strong, the cost is very low and the risk is near zero.
Currently we can say that there is evidence of D3 activity in PCa but not proof. Yet.

Re: Re: Vitamin D3

That is what I have read as well.
I was wondering if anyone out there has given Vitamin D3 a try.

Re: Vitamin D3

Hi John,

I'm a firm believer in the benefits of Vit D3 Cholecalciferol, and agree with John C's comments.

I have been supplementing with approx 4000iu a day for a year now and I'm sure this has been very significant in my remarkably stable PSA during the 40 weeks since I stopped all cancer meds.

I am also sure that the supplement has allowed my testosterone level to rise to that of a normal healthy man - without causing any rise in PSA, which is always the worry for us PCa guys.

Very best wishes,



Re: Re: Vitamin D3

Thanks for the information.
My wife (a nurse) has been giving me 2000u every other day but is suggesting I take it every day. Since starting it my psa has remained stable for the last 9 months at 1.3 (must add that I didn't have the best prognosis when I was diagnosed in April of 2004. Although my psa was only 4.2 and I had a negative DRE the final pathology report came back with bilateral seminal vesicle invasion.
I had undetectable psa for almost a year and then it began to rise. Then I had radiation. Psa went down again. Then started to rise. I'm on the brink (so to speak) of hormonr therapy).
Good thing is I feel fine and scans and all are negative. I'm kind of in the watchful waiting mode.
Thanks again. John

Re: Vitamin D3

I started Lupron therapy Nov. 3, 2006 and have a couple months left on my last shot. I started taking about 2600 I.U. Vtiamin D3 along with 2500 mg. calcium in Mar. 2007 split between morning and evening. This was at the advice of my dentist and have gotten subsequent agreement from the Uro, GP, and radiation Drs. As for the effects of these supplements on PCa progression, I feel the jury'as still out. For half the year Alaskan's are at risk for Vit. D3 deficiency due to lack of sunlight and ADT may put one at risk for Osteoporosis and tooth problems. For that reason, I decided to take the supplements. If by chance it is slowing or killing PCa cells - great! Take care - Pat Priestley (Alaska, USA)