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Sorry to hear of your problems which seem to be associated with HIFU fairly often, unfortunately - a fact not usually mentioned in any literature put out by the manufacturers of the equipment.
I don't know if you have read Eric Sondeen’s story but can i suggest you go along there and the mail Eric who may be able to help you from his personal experience.
Re: Re: Pain during urination after Sonablate HIFU
Thanks Terry. I have been reading Eric's story but I was able to finally get someone at the USHIFU place who gave me a phone number and name of a nurse in Toronto who had 25 years experience with HIFU. She ran the Toronto Sonablate division of USHIFU. She was able to explain everything. Apparently, the size of my prostate, 43.5 cc is quite large and the increase in swelling from treating a large prostate would cause my pain during urination. She implied that I could get some anti-inflammatory drugs and that did eliminate that pain. The pain above the pubic bone was bladder spasming and I just needed to take the Detrol LA for a longer period of time. The bladder spasming was also causing the extensive leakage of urine around the suprapubic catheter. Both sets of pills settled everything down very quickly.
The high frequency of urination was due to my taking too much water. I am only suppose to take 48 ounces and not 2.5 liters which is the 10--8oz cups. The Toronto HIFU uses 6oz glasses So I have cut back on the water and I am now getting longer times between urinations even as long as three hours. The volume is not great but it is improving. I did get at least one urination with over a cup. She did however tell me to not double urinate but go once through the penis and then empty the rest through the catheter. Her goal is the have no more than 100ml of urine left in the bladder after urination and I am getting close to that as well but it is highly variable.