Prostate Cancer Survivors






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Jay Leno "jokes" about prostate cancer.

Jay Leno has had several "jokes" recently about men having prostate problems.
He went over the line in my opinion Wednesday night when he told a joke relating
to men with prostate cancer. All in his audience got a good laugh about it. I sent an
email to NBC expressing my thoughts on such poor taste. I know it will fall on deaf ears.
I am sure if the joke was about breast cancer there would be a uproar and demands for
an aplolgy, which he would be forced to give.

Re: Jay Leno "jokes" about prostate cancer.


Humour is a strange thing - what is hilarious to one person is simply not funny to another. There is a section on the website Troop C – The Royal Order of Prostate Cancer where there is a collection of PCa related items that some of us find amusing.

All the best

Terry in Australia

Re: Re: Jay Leno "jokes" about prostate cancer.

Well, part of my reply to NBC was that perhaps if Leno and or some of his writers come down with prostate cancer we can all get a good laugh. I admit I was pi**ed off. As I said if the joke offended any minority or women with breast cancer all hell would break loose. Males are fair game as the butt of jokes or if Madison Avenue needs someone to look like a fool in their commercials.

Re: Re: Re: Jay Leno "jokes" about prostate cancer.


I watched NBC nightly news broadcasts and wondered and laughed at the ED ads with their twin baths, etc., yet here I am, nine weeks after surgery, taking daily Levitra tabs! My diagnosis turned my world upside-down, and some of my male friends have been very open and supportive, and others can't talk about it. The latter group is who you are angry with, but I just feel sorry for them.

Thank goodness for Terry and all the guys who contribute to this web site - it saves my sanity, and feeds my hope! Good luck.


Re: Jay Leno "jokes" about prostate cancer.

Hi Bob,

Thought provoking post.

I have to hold up my hands amd 'fess up.
I would say my MAIN weapon in my war on these damn tiger cells has been humour.

Totally outrageous, irreverent, often typically British, wicked humour (notice how we Brits spell humor and tumor?lol).

I would draw the line though, at someone trying to be humorous about the situation while at the same time displaying total bloody ignorance and insensitivity.

It's good that we PCa guys are all so different in our attitudes. It makes the world a more interesting place and the reason why worldwide forums are such a release for us all.

Mind you, I think we all pass through dark stages when we find nothing remotely funny about our plight.
But...these times pass, with luck.

Warmest wishes, and I have to say I enjoyed this topic.



Re: Re: Jay Leno "jokes" about prostate cancer.

I have no problem with those here that do not take offense
to Leno's prostate cancer jokes. I do have a problem when
jokes about prostate cancer go by with an "oh well" attitude
when if his jokes were about breast cancer or sickel cell anemia
all hell would break loose. A double standard for sure.