Prostate Cancer Survivors






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Prostate Surgery / Recovery / Erection / Continence Update.

This is an update to my original post “Erection five days after surgery” .
The catheter is out what a relief. The incontinence is minimal, mostly when I try to lift something etc. But control is very good. It has been about 30 days since my prostate removal with bilateral nerve sparing surgery. Still a little sore in the area of removal. Erections begin with just visual stimulation. Although not the “diamond cutters” I had prior to surgery, I am quite pleased so far. Blood flow into my penis is good with no drugs at all. My wife is sure I get “exercise” down there at least twice a day. I find wearing a proper size rubber O ring at the base of my penis helps with the erection. I am still allowing the surgery to heal, especially with some of the horror stories I have read about men trying to have sex too soon and damaging the surgery. During one of my “exercise sessions” I did have an orgasm.
(You guys know what it is like going without sex for over a month.) LOL.
It was very intense, although my concern I would damage something did take away some of my pleasure. I am able to have an erection firm enough for sex, soon, but I know when I do I will be like a teenager and probably have no control due to the excitement.
If anyone wishes to email me with questions or for support please do.

A little background on my PC:
One biopsy sample was positive, 1% of it cancer.
Gleason score 6
Surgery 3/5/08
Out of Hospital 3/7/08

Re: Prostate Surgery / Recovery / Erection / Continence Update.

You may have the response to my question.....does everyone start leaking urine as they are starting to get an erection? Is there a mechanism to keep the urine from leaking while one is trying to get their "diamond cutter" (loved this expression) back?

Surgery (robotic)performed on Feb 26, 2010. Spent 2 days in the hospital due to internal bleeding (not a good deal, not good at all).
Gleason 6

Re: Prostate Surgery / Recovery / Erection / Continence Update.


Leakage of urine after orgasm follwoing surgery is quite common - one estimate is that 50% of men have this condition - it is called CLIMACTURIA

You might be interetsed to see the results of MINIPOLL2which looked into this and other so-called 'minor' side effects.

Prostate men need enlightening, not frightening

Terry in Australia

Re: Prostate Surgery / Recovery / Erection / Continence Update.

Thank you Terry!!!

I knew I could not be the only one to have this issue, but did need to get some kind of confirmation from the outside world.

As you state, it is one of the three issues that nobody tells you about and all of a sudden...there it is. I was not told of any of the three items. As far as I can tell, the only one I've experienced to date is the Climacturia.

Personally, the Climacturia is not a big deal. It would be nice to know in advance that it happens so that one can be prepared to deal with the resulting wetness and avoid a very odd surprise the first time it happens.


