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Re: Incontinence Recovery

It's been said before but it can't be stressed enough. Do kegels. Lots of them. I started right after my diagnosis when my doctor told me to start. I wasn't all that organized about it but I would do them sitting at my desk or in the car or whenever I thought about it. It's hard at first, but like any muscle, endurance comes with training and repetitions. The hardest thing, I thought, was learning how to control the right set of muscles.

Re: Incontinence Recovery

Just want to echo what everyone else has said. I had my robotic surgery Jan 11. I am still in diapers but pretty much like you. Sitting and nights are a piece of cake but walking was slower. I am not out of the woods yet but I can tell that the control is coming back. (I still have problems with the Laughing and Coughing though too!!!) Hang in there and be patient...and keep doing those excercises!!!


Re: Incontinence Recovery

I am only 8 days out of robotic surgery so I cant add anything at this time. I am leaking all the time as expected.

But my doc, out of a university hosp in the USA midwest, has a brand new way to do kegels. Take it for what its worth for I am trying it tonight.

I stop all liquids early in evening around 830 or 900 p.m. I then do kegel and hold for 3-4 minutes and then rest same. I am to do 5 reps at first and then build to 10. I never heard of it this way before. Doc told my wife when I was in surgery so I had to call him and get details. Today..

Re: Re: Incontinence Recovery

Hi Frank,

Is the new way to do Kegels related to the 3-4 minutes? I can barely hold one for 3 seconds!

Could you provide details on how you were taught to do Kegels? What's the relationship between Kegels and stopping liquids early in the evening?

Sorry for all the questions, but I'm excited by the possibility of doing a Kegel for over 3 minutes. That would certainly allow me to stand up and walk to the bathroom before emptying my bladder into the pad.


Re: Re: Re: Incontinence Recovery

had robotic sur 10 months ago am 55 years old have done three million kegels still leaking not as bad as 10 months ago but by afternoons or if i drink alot oboy find when sitting or sleeping if not better by august thinking of haveing a sling sur. been to three diff doctors any advice would be welcome

Re: Re: Re: Re: Incontinence Recovery

Have suffered incontinence since radical prostitectomy in 2004 (I am 57 now). Recently has got to 3/4 pads a day, especially if walking or taking part in any activity. Had urodynamic test on bladder and the spincter seems to be working alright so the issue is more stress based. On this basis am planning to have sling operation at end of June - putting tape under urethra and so moving it back closer to the bladder. The surgeon has completed 5 so far - 4 with good success (either dry or much improved) and 1 who had problems peeing afterwards and had to have tape removed. Will keep you posted.

Kind regards
Tony Sawyer

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Replying to:

had robotic sur 10 months ago am 55 years old have done three million kegels still leaking not as bad as 10 months ago but by afternoons or if i drink alot oboy find when sitting or sleeping if not better by august thinking of haveing a sling sur. been to three diff doctors any advice would be welcome

Re: Incontinence Recovery

Just an update - the male sling operation was completed successfully and so far the results are looking promising. Have to refrain from any leg stretching movements for 6 weeks to permit the sling mesh to integrate with pelvic floor muscles. The bladder seems to be holding considerably more than before, and so far have not needed to use a pad. The real test will be after 6 weeks when I try and exercise. Will keep you up to date on this.

Tony in the UK.

Re: Re: Incontinence Recovery

As promised a brief update. The male sling has been in place for 7 weeks so far. The incontinence has gone, and the only minor leaking I get is if I cough (the amount is only a drop or two). Must continue to be careful not to overstrtetch, although have resumed some basic exercise at the gym .
From my point of view, it has made a remarkable difference to a long term problem.

Re: Re: Re: Incontinence Recovery


Which sling did you get? How bad was your incontinence before the sling. I might use as many as 6 briefs (which I find hold more) a day and as an American-Scotsman I fill them to the brim before changing as they a priced quite dearly here in the states.

--- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---

Replying to:

As promised a brief update. The male sling has been in place for 7 weeks so far. The incontinence has gone, and the only minor leaking I get is if I cough (the amount is only a drop or two). Must continue to be careful not to overstrtetch, although have resumed some basic exercise at the gym .
From my point of view, it has made a remarkable difference to a long term problem.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Incontinence Recovery

My continence required 2/3 Tena pads per day - level 1, and most of my leaks occurred through movement, stepping up, exercise etc - ie mainly as a result of stress. The sling was a Urethral Support Sling, using AMS mesh, and the sling was secured by passing it through the holes in my pelvis to hold the sling in place (in hospital overnight only).
8 months later and improvement has held. I get a very small amount of leak if I cough, or make a strenuous movement, but all esle is good. I use a ladies panty liner during the day, just in case of accidents from coughing. Otherwise all is good - touch wood.
Hope this helps

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Incontinence Recovery

Thanks, Tony.

AMS has a new product here that does not require affixing to the pelvis that I will be trying. However, my incontinence is much worse than yours, although it does appear to be improving slightly as I approach my ninth month since surgery. My surgeon wants me to wait for a full year in hopes that nature will solve the problem. My Urologist says he's dreaming due to the damage to the sphincter. However, waiting cost only the extra for diapers and if it heals that would be preferable, I think. Who knows, it may heal and then give out two years later and be worse than ever and unfixable short of the artificial sphincter which I am resisting.

Thanks for your feedback and continued good fortune.


Re: Incontinence Recovery

When my catheter came out I found I dribbled if walking or stretching or coughing, but dry sitting and also dry overnight - sleeping. However, overnight, I did get up a couple of times to empty bladder, and had to move carefully to bathroom to prevent dribbles.
I completed pelvic floor exercises at least 10 times a day both short gripping (it is as if you are pulling your penis in and alsoclenching your buttocks!). Over the coming months this seemed to help although in my case it was not complete and used towels during the day.
I subsequently had a bike accident so for about 2 months did limited exercise and this resulted in dribbling most of the time. Hence the fitting of a sling to try and provide support.
My suggestion is persevere with the pelvic floor exercises - these take about 3 months to see measurable benefit.

Good luck

Re: Incontinence Recovery


I had an RP a 2 we bit over 2 weeks ago (24 July 08) and my catheter out 4 days ago. Like you, I leak continuiously while standing, walking etc and again like you, I am dry at night and while sitting.
I would be interested to hear from you (or any one else in a simillar sitiuation) on how your progress has been over the last few months, much improved I trust.
It's good to hear that I am not alone with this.


Tony Stone - Melbourne, Australia.

Re: Re: Incontinence Recovery

Hi Tony,

You are definitely not alone, and, yes things have improved greatly for me. I've finally updated my story ( to chronicle my experience with regaining urinary continence. I won't repeat my story here, but to summarize, 5 months after surgery my day-to-day life is mostly back to normal. I rarely think about urine control and, as a result, I've stopped doing kegels. I only wear a pad when I'm doing home renovations that involve heavy lifting. A heavy lift will cause a small squirt. I still carry a pad and spare underwear whereever I go, but that's only because I haven't bothered to take them out of my backpack.

For me there was no magic, no sudden transition. The journey from no control whatsoever to where I am today was very slow. In the early weeks, I was lucky to have my wife make me think carefully of where I was 1 or 2 weeks previously and recognize that there was some improvement, however small.

Since my original post, I've received e-mail from others whose experience matches mine. I'm sure that yours will too. Remember, any improvement, no matter how small, is a step in the right direction. And some days, you will feel like you've gone back a step or two.

Do the kegels. I firmly believe that they helped me.

Good luck,

Re: Incontinence Recovery

Tony what you report is perfectly normal after the op. Dryness comes first at night usually pretty quickly as it has with you. The rest takes longer. How long? How long is a piece of string?

With me it took 4 months to be completely dry and pad free. Even now though a good laugh, cough, sneeze or fart especially after too much alcohol will lead to a small squirt and some dampness but nothing that would show outside. (How much is too much alcohol? How long is a piece of string?)

I did do Keegles but not overmuch although many people on the site swear by them. I think you can over do those at too early a stage and should be careful to moderate them if you feel sore and strained down there.

If only the ED would clear up as quickly as the incontinence. How long is that piece of string?

Ted from England

Re: Re: Incontinence Recovery


Thanks for your reply and words of encouragement. You are right, it has been only 5 days since I had my catheter out and it does take time, four months should go pretty quickly particularly wtih a glass of red or two.
I to am doing the pelvic floor muscle exercises under the guidence of a continence physio. I started these before my operation and I have my first appointment since the operation this afternoon to check progress and technique.
ED, don't even think about it(yet) at 56 I've got a long way to go.
Anyway, all the best and regards

Tony Stone, Melbourne Australia.

Re: Re: Incontinence Recovery

Your list gives me many creational ideas that I can perhaps use on my web tender too. crazy time promo code and bonuses Job well done guys, quality information.

Re: Re: Incontinence Recovery

I agree with your reply. I have done splunk training and My friend also faced the same issue. Amazing idea.