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Re: something new for incontinence during robotic

Not to sure what you are looking for, Erin,

If you click on the Return to Website button above and then go to the Treatment Choices button you should come to this page Go down the page and click on the link labeled Da Vinci and you’ll find out about the surgery.

If you then click on the title of this part of the page LAPARASCOPIC ROBOTIC - RADICAL PROSTATECTOMY you’ll be taken (after a bit of a wait) to this page where you can read the experiences of about 50 men who have had Laparscopic surgery.

If this isn’t what you were looking for, please let me know

In Australia

Re: something new for incontinence during robotic

With my treatment, incontinence was never a major problem. Sure I had a few "accidents" during the first few days of recovery (luckily all occurred in the bathroom) and still have them some times in the morning all whist I'm shaving. Major incontinence episodes should be a definite consideration when choosing treatment options, a squirt or a leak here and there shouldn't. A squirt or a leak here or there is less important in my mind than the thought of not having a treatment that's agressive enough to eiliminate or put the disease under control. While I haven't seen your specifics, I would not hesitate to ask if the prescribed treatment would need to be followed up with secondary radiation or hormone ablation. This might affect your decision dramatically. Don't mean to scare you but many men don't ask all the pertinent questions.

Re: something new for incontinence during robotic

Erin,I had robotic and at John Hopkins by DR Gonzolgo.I am not wearing anything after 4 mo. undetectable psa,all margins neg.But the information i read about the new procedure can be found hope this helps murdock