Welcome to Adult Children of Mentally ill Parents Discussion Forum!!! Dedicated to the validatation and encouragement towards one another in tranquil and perilous times a mist the obscure insanity of a loved one.
Re: Abusive schizophrenic parent...can't cope without support!
Thank you for writing this!
I am 23 years old and am finally trying to find help for myself after a few years of trying to get help for my mother who REFUSES to see anybody or take any medication! Exactly like your story, my mother believes the government is against us. Says police officers live in our house and spy on us through the vents. And any time I try to reason with her she says I am working with them and calls me a lot of horrible names and says really nasty hurtful things to me...when I am only trying to help :/
Reading your story is the first time I have heard that there really is somebody out their dealing with the exact same thing! Thank you thank you thank you! I know I have a very long road ahead of me but I will not allow her to hurt my mental health any longer. I also really appreciated Andrea's post....She said some things that really brought me to tears but is very true.
I hope that since it has been a little over a year (I think) since you wrote this you have been able to answer some of your questions....if you still read this, and have any advice for me it would be much appreciated? I am tired of trying to get help for her, it is time to get help for myself.