Welcome to Adult Children of Mentally ill Parents Discussion Forum!!! Dedicated to the validatation and encouragement towards one another in tranquil and perilous times a mist the obscure insanity of a loved one.
After three years of trying to help a mentally ill partner, I finally realized that whatever I do will never be enough... I thought with enough love and support, that I could help her to feel whole and stable. The withdrawal and pulling away has been never ending and when it finally came a time in my emotional life when I was the one in need, she walked out. I fear that there is no hope for this ever changing and want to hear the truth from people who know. I believe her medications have her in a balanced state, but she has no emotional connections... describes herself as feeling emotionally DEAD inside. I am ready to seek therapy after trying this hard and feeling left with nothing. If you have insight, I would be so grateful. Maybe books... her diagnosis is depression.
It sounds as though the issue is not her depression but her inability to care for someone else. I'm thinking there isn't a way to fix it and most importantly, it's not about you, it's about her. Move on.