Welcome to Adult Children of Mentally ill Parents Discussion Forum!!! Dedicated to the validatation and encouragement towards one another in tranquil and perilous times a mist the obscure insanity of a loved one.
I'm 27, and while not just out of college, certainly can relate to your fears. More than I could possibly explain in just one paragraph. Having the awareness that you do, and setting the boundaries for your mother as you have, is already a step in the right direction. My mother too is a paranoid schizo, as well as bipolar.
I am currently reading "My Parent's Keeper: Adult Children of the Emotionally Disturbed", by Eva Marian Brown. It's only $13 on Amazon, and worth every penny. I have literally been highlighting the sentences as I read, because there are so many that pertain to my own life, and my fears. Fears that you share as well. READ THIS BOOK.
Also, if you can find a local chapter of NAMI, it's possible that they have a support group for Adult Children of the Mentally Ill. I found my group last year, and I go every month like clock work. It truly helps.
And lastly, I started writing a blog online that I don't share with anyone except other people who are children of the MI. If you want to read, it's hermotherlessdaughter.blogspot.com It has been an incredible outlet for me to express my own worst thoughts and fears without worrying about reprobation.
It's hard to hear other folks say things like "don't be afraid that it will happen to you" - I was a kid whose father watched my every move and mood to make sure I didn't inherit my mother's illness. I used to write about my own fear that I would become my mother - I look like her, had acne like her, the same artistic talents as her. But the difference, like you said, is making yourself AWARE of the signs, and SEEKING HELP if any of them make you concerned. The minute my depression sank in, and I recognized it for what it was, I sought out a therapist, and I know that my response to those signals saved me from anything greater. If I had turned out to be BP as well, my experience with my mother taught me the importance of medication and treatment. And that, to me, is the big difference. I know what is at stake if I did not seek treatment for myself. Now, I am an adult for myself, and work through my mood swings as best I can. If and when I ever get into more extreme thoughts, I will work through it and move on with my life.