Welcome to Adult Children of Mentally ill Parents Discussion Forum!!! Dedicated to the validatation and encouragement towards one another in tranquil and perilous times a mist the obscure insanity of a loved one.
My 29 Mothers... Accepting my Mother with D.I.D. (aka MPD)
I have a mother who was diagnosed with Dissociative Identity Disorder (used to be termed Multiple Personality Disorder) a few years ago.... The cause of her disorder was insane sexual abuse from her father for 17 years of her life. How can i hate her when she has gone trough so much? But how can I pretend I am close to her without feeling like I'm holding back?? She is a different person than the woman who raised me. I had an amazing childhood! My 4 siblings and I were raised by super mom! Unfortunately, however, her repressed memories eventually reared their ugly heads in 2003 when her abuser died. Since then, (and after her suicide attempt) I feel like she has died too. The harder she tries to convince us she's "really doing great this time" the more I get irritated and back away. I say I want a relationship with her, but really I want a relationship with the person she used to be. Then I feel GUILTY as hell for feeling this way when she has gone through so much yet is still here fighting... trying to get better.
I am currently training to become a counselor... but this demon of anger and sadness suppression will continue to hold me back from being my best... Is there anyone out there who knows of a support group in California? I hate feeling like this.
Re: My 29 Mothers... Accepting my Mother with D.I.D. (aka MPD)
I just saw your post today.
There is one support group in San Francisco...
Title: Adult Children of Multiplicity
Description: Mission is to provide companionship and back up support for adult children ages (18+) who had or have a parent with Multiple Personality Disorder or Dissociative Identity Disorder (MPD/DID).
Founded: 1998
Contact me if you read this and want a contact for the group.