Welcome to Adult Children of Mentally ill Parents Discussion Forum!!! Dedicated to the validatation and encouragement towards one another in tranquil and perilous times a mist the obscure insanity of a loved one.
My mother is mentally ill and has been so for the past three years. It has been hell trying to get help for her everytime I try to help her she say i just like the enemies she verbally abuses which cause me to get emotional and distressed to be honest I am a nervous wreck but i try to stay strong for her because i know she can't help herself. what advise can you give me to help stay strong and keep my sanity sometimes i just feel like sreaming until all this go back to normal. will it ever be normal again? and those meds the doctors on seem to have no use they make her calm for a while buut once it has worn off she is worse that ever i gotta give God thanks though because she is not violent however her well being is at stake because she dosen't take any of her meds, she don't bathe for days she curses you well only if you mention doctors/hospital. HElp please