Adult Children of Mentally ill Parents

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Adult Children of Mentally ill Parents
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Caring For Elder Mental Mother

Sometimes I feel guilty for being somewhat cold to my mother of whome I only take out to run errands. As it seems to me if Im not "cold" emotionally distant she verbally abuses me, it's so sad, but I have to maintain my boudaries.

Ive been in therapy for years but it seems few reallly understand what it's like to deal with a parent who is considered well by others and her doctors, but still battels the voices she hears; which compromises her intellect...

Thanks for lisening

Re: Caring For Elder Mental Mother

I wouldn't worry about being Cold to your ma, as ypou have to take care of yourself first. As an adult child of a mentally ill parent I know that we were often confused about the boudaries and like you said it's important to maintain it, and that is progress!!!!

Re: Caring For Elder Mental Mother
