Welcome to Adult Children of Mentally ill Parents Discussion Forum!!! Dedicated to the validatation and encouragement towards one another in tranquil and perilous times a mist the obscure insanity of a loved one.
I can more than sympathize. My mom had MPD too, she had about 2,000 personalities and life was hard living with her, to say the least. I am 28 and I am still trying to deal with the effects that she left in her wake. I have three siblings that had to deal with it too, but she liked to pick on me the most. She would do things to me like pick up something, something that I had mentioned I was looking for that I had just found, like a scarf, that I was going to wear when I left for school, and throw it away in the dumpster. When I confronted her about those things she would say that I deserved it because I left it out, or worse, she would claim that it never happened and punish me for saying it did. OR this sound familiar? she moves something, clear as day, and moments later YOU are the culprit who took it... I have been through all of that and I really know about the anger you feel.. I feel it too. I still have nightmares about the things she would do.. in fact I just had one last night. She would expect the whole family to revolve around her, everyone else's problems didn't matter as she was so quick to compare them to her own abuse suffered as a child. I always felt guilty for even HAVING problems because hers were always the ones that deserved comfort and help, not mine or anyone else's. You can't reason with someone like that, it's not possible.. the tables are always turned on you.
Anyhow I just wanted you to know your not the only one out there who has had to deal with a parent who has MPD. I wish you the best and I hope we can talk sometime.