Welcome to Adult Children of Mentally ill Parents Discussion Forum!!! Dedicated to the validatation and encouragement towards one another in tranquil and perilous times a mist the obscure insanity of a loved one.
I think we don't give our mentally ill mother's much credit. I believe that they know they are sick & that YOU ARN'T. I believe there is some gelousy in that fact. Your mother knows she's sick and your not and she probably knows when she's getting to you.
It's as simple as standing up to a bully. Just have confidence in your feelings and that your feelings are valid. Once you can simply feel sorry for her condition & confident in yourself, she won't get to you as much.
When your mother does or says something hurtful/bothersome, simple tell her with confidence, "YOUR NOT ACTING LIKE A GOOD, CARING MOTHER RIGHT NOW, SO I CAN'T BE AROUND YOU, UNTIL YOU TREAT ME, LIKE I WOULD EXPECT ANYONE TO TREAT ME."
It's like popping the air from a balloon!
Mentally ill mother's can be very munipulative-very aware of what they are doing. She probably gets some kind of sick enjoyment, knowing she's getting to you. So don't let her.
I stopped letting my mother do it to me & it's emotional freedom. She no longer dares to try to question anything about my life, because she knows I will quickly put her in her place.
It sounds mean, but I will flat out tell her, "Mom, you are mentally ill, so I will excuse your mean comments. Thank God I will never do it to my daughter." She hates being reminded that it's her, not me.
Try it & good luck! Don't let your mother or anyone else put you down.
Re: Re: Need to vent - Please tell me if I'm alone
That does sound like a good plan. You are so right, we can't let other people bring us down. My mother is 100% certain she is not mentally ill - she's happy with herself and doesn't need anybody. It's really sad that the denial is so effective. I'm going to try what you suggested. For awhile she will most likely think I'm kooky to say that, after maybe 50 times of hearing it, maybe it will have an affect. - thanks.