Barney & Tim got a bit of a rollicking from Liz at the Southgate Hockey Centre last night for bringing their bikes inside the perimeter fencing...I think she thought they had actually been riding them across the new Astroturf surface and therefore 'damaging' it.
Also, she smelt that Lexton had been smoking on the Astroturf !
Just a reminder then to all of our players about certain rules & regulations...which we MUST adhere to otherwise we might end up not being allowed to train over there this season.
1) NO SMOKING inside the Astroturf perimeter. That includes on the tarmac walkway around the pitch (as Lexton was doing last night).
2) NO CHEWING and spitting out gum on the Astroturf. Loveday please note the chewing aspect of that. Don't think I have ever seen him spit it out though
3) BIKES can be left tied up in the newly-built dugouts inside the Astroturf perimeter. They are not to be left propped up against the fence next to the pitch we are playing on, presumably in case somebody runs in to them ? Health & Safety and all that.
4) The area in-between the two Astroturfs is currently being flattened and (I think ?) re-laid with an Astroturf warm-up area. Only this area must be used for warming-up. NO WARMING-UP ON THE GRASS because muddy boots are not allowed on the Astroturf.
5) NO LEAVING EMPTY WATER BOTTLES ON THE TOUCHLINES. There is now a bin in the corner of each pitch to put these on our way out after our matches/training sessions.
6) BOOTS WITH MOULDED STUDS/BLADES ARE NOT ALLOWED on the Astroturf. Only proper 'dimpled' or flat-soled trainers can be worn on the particular Astroturf we are using. (It is not a 3G). Our players should know this by now anyway.
There are a few other minor ones, but we shouldn't fall foul of those.
Rollocking is a bit strong - she asked us not to bring our bikes onto the pitch in future, we asked her what the alternatives were, she told us and we were quite happy to go along with that.
Rollocking is a bit strong - she asked us not to bring our bikes onto the pitch in future, we asked her what the alternatives were, she told us and we were quite happy to go along with that.
A 'ticking-off' then.
I didn't quite hear what was said as I was collecting subs at the time, but I did see her storm onto the pitch rather 'angrily'. I thought she was heading for Lexton to be honest.
I had no idea about the bikes issue because that is not in the rules & regulations I was given.