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Training Tonight

Due to the increasingly poor turnouts we are starting to get at training (and players moaning like hell that I didn't call it off when I 'knew' there was likely to be only 8 or less there), I texted everybody early yesterday evening asking for a 'Yes' or 'No' answer as to whether they can attend tonight or not.

Only 7 players ( Terry Moore, Barney, Cascoe, Daley, Tony King, Lexton & Lee King ) have replied to say they will attend, and in Lee & Lexton's case, only if John Scouller can attend, as they will not have a lift otherwise.

John is one of 4 players who have not replied. The others are Loveday, Martin Cruickshank & Tem.
It looks like Martin C has changed his mobile phone number, so I can't get hold of him. I don't know if Terry Moore has spoken to him ?
I also texted Kizza. He replied asking 'Where is training ?' I haven't bothered to text him back...yet. I didn't bother texting any other registered players, some of whom were attending training back in September/October but haven't been seen since.

Definitely not coming training tonight are: Jacko (Work Xmas Party), Hagan (Working up North), Ben (Working up North), Colin (Back Injury), Tim Beeden (Injured), Steve Cokell (Family Commitments).

So...the way I see it at the moment is training will only be on tonight if John Scouller gets in touch asap and says he is definitely coming...and picking up Lee & Lexton, then Martin C gets in touch and arranges a lift from Terry Moore (as usual), and Loveday is not working in which case we will then have 10 there, not including me. (Ideal for a good session when we have no goalkeeper).
If any of those 10 then drop out because they suddenly realise Man United are playing a crucial game live on TV tonight though (Daley ?), I will be well annoyed.

I will give John, Martin C & Loveday until 5.00.p.m. this evening to get in touch and confirm they are attending. If they don't, then I might have to call training off because there could only be 5 of us there (not including me).

Re: Training Tonight

Loveday is o.k. for training tonight.

Re: Training Tonight

I'd say it'd work fine with 8 of us there. Any less than that, and it's doable, but not as good.

Re: Training Tonight

Training is definitely on tonight. We have got 10 at least.

Re: Training Tonight

As mentioned on the match thread for this coming Sunday (v. Turnford Geese), we only had 4 players turn up to training tonight. 6 players dropped out between 5.00.p.m. & 9.00.p.m., mainly because they suddenly had to work late.
As far as I am concerned, that is always going to happen at this time of year, and although we have already paid for training next Wednesday, I cannot see the point in turning up and we should call it off now.

We are trying to arrange a Club Management Committee Meeting as soon as possible in order to make a decision on whether to re-book training for the rest of the season.
Personally I don't think we should, as we are unlikely to get any more new players joining us with only 8 games remaining after Christmas, we now only have a squad of 14 players who are all playing regularly on Sundays or with Saturday clubs anyway, and also quite a few of our players cannot afford to pay £10.00 subs a week (£7.00 a match, £3.00 for training) and are getting way behind. If we scrap training, we can charge only £5.00 per match for the rest of the season to help these players catch up with what they owe.
If we scrap training, players will then be keener for the Summer 7-a-side League when it starts in May.

We then re-start midweek training again at the start of next season (i.e. September) and review it at Christmas again.

Your thoughts are welcome.