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last game

Boys just to let you know last sunday was my last game for the club.
As me and a few pals have set up our own team in the Waltham league.

All the best for next season..

Re: last game

Did you know they have you down as Assistant Secretary, Stocky !?
...and Jon Ellis-Browne is the Treasurer apparently !

Why are they called Shadwell F.C. ?

Re: last game

yeah i know the title i have been given. cant wait for all that paper work.

ellis treasurer i know thats funny as he owes you £65 i spoke to him and he is writing a cheque for ya. 'might bounce'

will i still be able to play 5 aside on a monday?

shadwell is from one of our fav films.

Re: last game

Hope 'Shadwell' is not a porn film then, otherwise Simon will be off to join you as well !?

Regarding 5-a-side (I think you mean 7-a-side), it's up to Trev, but personally I think we need to give priority to those players who are going to be playing 11-a-side for us next season, and especially new players. If you are available for 7.00.p.m. kick-offs though, that might be handy as we have a lot of players who can't get there from work for that time.

As for you and 'Ellis' leaving us, I have no problem with that. You are up to date with your subs, as was Nugget when he left us and if Ellis pays us the £65.00 (as I'm sure he will) then that's fine.
In Sunday football where players are not on contract, these things happen and players will always prefer to play in the same team as their mates.
Good luck for next season. Maybe a Pre-Season Friendly might be an idea ?

Re: last game

Shadwell is from the film ID

Get your tools out Gumbo