The squad for this coming Sunday's FIRST TEAM match at Home to Everest at Hazelwood Sports Ground is as follows:
Simon Jackson (GK), John Beasley, Colin Bester, Gary Cokell, Steve Cokell, Kevin Dedman, Derek Dorward, Stuart Dorward, Paul Ellerker, Eric Ibekwem, Conor Mc,Govern, Tony Speller, Adam Stock & Paul Woolston.
As Trevor has already mentioned somewhere, he received a text from Vernon 'Kizza' Nxumalo last Saturday saying that he was in hospital with a broken leg and that he would not be out of hospital for four weeks ! At the moment, that's all we know, but if 'Kizza' is able to look at the Forum from wherever he is, we of course wish him a speedy recovery.
Fortunately we now have Steve Cokell available to replace 'Kizza' in the squad, while we actually have all other current First Team regulars available this week (at the moment !)...about 8 months too late !!!
If anybody does drop out though, I suggest Trevor names Chris Morrish in the squad (before he makes plans for any more 'social commitments !?') as he is not available for the Reserve Team's match the following week whereas numerous other Reserve Team players will end up making themselves ineligible for that match if they play in this game.
Gary Adamson is another one who maybe could be used...if he is not babysitting !
This is of course the First Team's last match of the season and we want to see EVERYBODY down On Broadway afterwards, even if it is just for half-an-hour and one pint !
Regarding the post-match fund-raising Penalty Competition and/or 'Crossbar Challenge', I am leaving that to Conor, Stuart & Tarby to organise (i.e. phone everybody to warn them we are doing it or to get Reserve Team players to come along and join in).
I am too busy to organise this myself and so is Trevor, although I will be there to video it.