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Im gona have to give training a miss i can hardly move my leg after the game om sunday i blame that to the lack of training and my poor form sorry boys.

Re: Training

Who is going tonight, i.e. is it worth turning up???

I shall be available for the reserves on sunday if required.


Re: Training

Simon, regarding training tonight, we are still in a situation where nobody has a clue who else is going to turn up.

It's quite possible that as many as 20 players can actually go tonight, but I expect most of them will just sit at home thinking 'nobody else will be there so what's the point ?'

As it happens I am really busy at the moment sorting out Cup Final Bookings for this Sunday, so we might as well call it off and I will just have to text everyone who I think might turn up.
If I ask people for their opinions on here I am not going to get a reply.

It would also help if Trevor was in a job where you could speak to him during the day !

Re: Training

Was gonna go tonight but now not so sure - Unless I get a text (cos I'm offline from now) telling me IT'S ON I'm not going.

Re: Training

These are the players who 'might' go training tonight (as far as I am aware):
Simon, Conor, Speller, Wooly, Ritchie, Colin, Tem, Terry Deller, Chris Morrish, Peter White, Barry, Ali, Foysol, Mash, Dan George, Oscar, Adam Barker, Tom Dell, 'Ed' (Mate of Colin's), Andre, plus myself and Trevor.

The only way we can keep training on tonight is if they all put a message on this Forum saying they ARE willing to go or if 'somebody' is willing to phone everyone to find out...and then phone them all back again to tell them if we are training or not. I can't do that as I am too busy.

I have also been trying to catch a weather forecast for this evening on TV but all they keep showing is the weather for tomorrow ! Somebody told me they saw a forecast for this evening which said it is going to 'chuck it down'. If that's the case, then people definitely won't turn up.

Re: Training

I am around for training this eve if it is on...