Andy Kaufman's House of Chicken 'n' Waffles!

Some syrup may get on your chicken but that's okay.

Andy Kaufman's House of Chicken 'n' Waffles!
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Something interesting to do

Was just looking up info on interesting ways to search on Google, and came upon this. When you go to Google, type in:

This kind of result will appear:

Google can show you the following information for this URL:

Show Google's cache of
Find web pages that are similar to
Find web pages that link to
Find web pages from the site
Find web pages that contain the term ""

Clicking on "pages from the site" will show results of various links contained within the site, including some that end like /indxe and /vip and others.

More interesting is to "Find web pages that link to"

It appears hundreds of results for that one come up. Looks like the site has enjoyed pretty good coverage on many pages out there!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch....

"New developments," such as they are, continue to trickle in on AKLives. Another somewhat provocative message posted recently is as follows:


An email from Jervis

"I don't believe he could just give everything up and go away for so long. How could his ego take such a hit. It does not seem possible."

He had nowhere else to go. He had no more to give. He had to wait for me. I would know what to do next.

This Enrique feller seems to be becoming a more and more important presence in the afterlife of Andy Kaufman, doesn't he?

And also meanwhile, the next entry after that, shows "Jenn" asking about the continuous changing of the name of the site administrator, and is met with the answer "cryptic is as cryptic doesn't" and a photo of a single puzzle piece in someone's palm. What follows that may have gone unnoticed: hidden text, but this time regular-sized rather than itty bitty (and is visible when highlighted), which reads simply,

"don't die with your music still in you."

Re: Meanwhile, back at the animal testing lab....

speaking of not dying with your music still in you

mice sing