Andy Kaufman's House of Chicken 'n' Waffles!

Some syrup may get on your chicken but that's okay.

Andy Kaufman's House of Chicken 'n' Waffles!
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Re: Re: The Number 23

Andy Kaufman was born in 1949. 1+9+4+9=23
2/3= .666 the number of the beast
The New York Yankees won the World Series 23 times
2/3= .666 the number of the beast
The Uranium isotope used in Nuclear bombs is U235
AOL chat rooms only allow 23 people at a time
In the film Airport, the mad bomber has seat 23
There are exactly 23 characters, numbers and letters, on the face of all U.S. coins
Every 23rd wave crashing on a beach averages twice the size as normal
In the film Airplane II, the name of the spaceship is XR-2300
230 people died in the conspiracy plagued TWA flight 800 disaster
The Unibomber killed or wounded 23 people
The address of the Freemasons lodge in Stafford, England, is 23 Jaol Road. In New York City it's on 23rd street.
The letter W is the 23rd in the alphabet and has 2 points down and 3 points up
The first Apollo landing on the moon was at 23.63 degrees east; the second was 23.42 degrees west.
April 19th, the date of the battle of Lexington, the holocaust at Waco, and the Oclahoma city bombing is written 4/19 by Americans and 19/4 by Europeans. Either way it adds up to 23.
In Star Wars Princess Lea was held in cell AA-23
Shakespeare was 46(2*23) when the King James Bible was published. Psalm 46(2*23) has it's 46th word "shake" and the 46th word back from the end is "spear".
William Shakespeare was born on April 23,1556 and died on April 23, 1616.
51, as in Area 51 breaks down to 23 + 23 + (2*3)=51
August 23,1305 William Wallace was exicuted for treason.
August 23, 1970 River Pheonix was born.
The original Star Trek, as well as Babylon Five are set in the 23rd century
The human Biorhythm cycle is 23 days
It takes 23 seconds for blood to circulate through the human body
Julius Ceasar was stabbed 23 times by the assasans.
X-Files: 10.13 productions.10 + 13 = 23
"Scottish Rite Freemasonry" has 23 letters.
A technological singularity has been predicted by "experts" in the near future. It is expected around 2030 AD.
Geosynchronous orbit occurs at 23,000 miles above Earth's surface.
Psychic Edgar Cayce started having visions of lost Atlantis in 1923.
Hitler joined a secret society in 1923.
Avagadro's number as used in the ideal gas law is 6.02 * 10^23
The CIA headquarters in McLean, VA is located on rt. 123.
The tilt of Earth's axis is roughly 23o accounting for the changing seasons and the procession of the Zodiac.
Homo sapiens are given 46 chromosomes from their parents, 23 male and 23 female.
The Dog Days of Summer begin on July 23 when Sirius the Dogstar rises from behind the sun.
Sydney Carton was the 23rd man beheaded in the climax of Dickens' Tale of Two Cities
Accordidng to Noam Chomsky over half of the national media is owned by 23 companies
The average smoker inhales 23 ciggarettes a day
There are 23 chapters of the Cult Awareness Network
Joseph Smith, the founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints was born on December 23, 1805.
On December 23, 1805 the Federal Reserve Act passed in congress.
According to ancient Mayan prophesy on December 23, 2012 the world will end.
In both ancient Sumaria and Egypt July 23 is the start of the new year.
The Nissan car takes its name from "Ni" which means 2 in Japaneese and "san" which means 3. Nissan means 23.
The articles of Impeechment used against Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton are under Article 2, section 3 of the constitution.
The United States set off 23 atomic bombs at Bikini Atoll in the Pacific.
Lines 22-23 of Book I of Milton's Paradice Lost "What in me is dark/ Illumine, what is low raise and support."
In a recent film version of Alice in Wonderland a stuffed Rabbit comes alive and runs away from a case numbered 23.
The first prime number in which both digits are prime and add up to make annother prime is 23.
On the Seinfeld show, Kramer hides an Air-Conditioner on levl purple 23 of a parking garrage. This episode was played in Australia on 23 September 1996.

Re: Re: Re: The Number 23

Wow. I am going to be dreaming 23!

Re: Re: Re: Re: The Number 23

Robert Anton Wilson would be proud. Long live discordia!

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: The Number 23

Also.. our friend W is named after the 23d letter of the alphabet.

The Number 23 - Schoolhouse Rock

It's Schoolhouse Rocky, the king of the block,
Of your favorite schoolhouse, Schoolhouse Rock!

Number Twenty Three

Twenty Three, is an astounding number
Look right there... an astounding number
If you look it right square in the eyes
You might just come to realize
That you can multiply by twenty three, if you tries...

Man: Think you can multiply by twenty three?
Kid: Aw, that's hard!
Man: No it's not... if you just use your calculator!
And a calculator is a mighty handy object to have.

So work those numbers and multiply
By twenty three, and you can fly...
Twenty three birds up in the trees,
That's one times twenty three.
Each little bird picks up two sticks
To build his nest, that's forty six.

And in each nest, three eggs so fine,
Good Lord A'mighty, that's sixty nine.
To do the rest, just get your device
And you won't even have to think twice!

Kid: Gosh, I didn't think twenty threes would be so easy!
Man: And it helps if you've got good batteries.

'Cause it's twenty threeee....
And you can seeee....
It's an astounding number.
An astounding number.

Man: Did you know that once there were twenty three United States Presidents?
That was a long time ago, and there have been at least another twenty three since then.
Kid: Wow!
Man: And sometimes Thanksgiving falls on November 23rd!
Kid: Yeah?
Man: Yeah.

Twenty three's important in history,
Just Google it and you can see.
A very big omelet's made from twenty three eggs,
An accident-prone centipede has twenty three legs.

Man: And if you turn your calculator upside-down after typing twenty three,
It looks like it says "E5"!
Kid: Cool!
Man: Yeah. And the letter "E" is the fifth letter of the alphabet,
And when you add the two and the three together, you get five!
Kid: Um, okay.

Twenty three, you can see, is an astounding number.
An astounding number.

Kid: Darn, that's the end!

Re: The Number 23 - Schoolhouse Rock



Let's not forget, Michael Jordan was #23. And now Labron wears it.

Re: 23

And also his father was murdered on August 23rd.

Re: Re: 23

OK that is kind of weird.

Re: Re: Re: 23

Andy left for the Philippines for "treatment" on March 23rd.