Andy Kaufman's House of Chicken 'n' Waffles!

Some syrup may get on your chicken but that's okay.

Andy Kaufman's House of Chicken 'n' Waffles!
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Hey you guys, just wanted to check in one last time, I thought you might be wondering what's going on. Well, Nathan found out about my little escapades, and while he wasn't too happy about it, he did think it was kind of funny. But anyway, I promised him that I wouldn't post any more pics of him or say anything else about him, except that he's the real deal! But anyway, take care everybody, it was nice chatting with you.

Re: Nathan

Hey, thanks for checking in! and thanks for the super secret info and pictures. glad Nathan had maybe a little bit of a sense of humor about it. you did help further along the mystery, we're not sure if nathan is Andy Kaufman, Michael Moore, or Vincent Schiavelli!

Re: Re: Nathan

I love Vincent Schiavelli!

I liked the look he had on his face in "Man on the Moon," as the ABC exec, once he realized "Andy" was taking the "Fridays" thing further than he thought he would...

And I liked the look he had on his face in "Taxi"... the glare he gave the translator who earnestly and dramatically repeated the name "Latka" as he said it during the marriage ceremony.

Oh, and thanks again, Friend, for the Nathan stuff. I think Vincent Schiavelli would approve.

Re: Re: Re: Nathan

I love Vincent too. Why is Friend leaving us?