Andy Kaufman's House of Chicken 'n' Waffles!

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Andy Kaufman's House of Chicken 'n' Waffles!
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This was a great movie. I was reading the great shark hunt the other day and Thompson brings up how he was at the white house during Nixon's resignation speech. And he was close to Nixon while he flew away from the white house. Notice at the end of the movie when it shows the real Nixon leave you notice a bald man with sunglasses grinning, I think that was H.S.T.
But thats not the only reason to see the movie. It doesn't really make Nixon seem "evil" the end was great when he cried and started praying.


Why is it that every president (or any other public official) that you have voted for in your life, has somehow, didapointed you? Why is it that america has been in a perpetual state of war, since its inception? Why is it, when you vote, you are always voting for the lesser of two evils?

Is it really a demcracy, if your choice is between two members of the same party? I mean really, what is the differance between the dems and the repugnants?

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At this point it's hard for me to be mad at the Democrats as much as the republicans. Kerry no doubt had better intentions. I have never seen a president as bad as Bush, even some of his own are going against him.
But yes, Clinton was crooked pardoning all those people. And he was a democrat. God knows how many times he cheated on his wife.
Anyone who wants to be the president must love the power.
Why do so many women think Clinton was handsome? Gag me with a ******* spoon!

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They're all the same. It's a democracy when you can play one off against the other and keep them all in check that way. People should be drafted into politics. The power hungry should be made to clean toilets.

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W, I thought you were pro Bush.

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My bro is pro ******* dubya. In fact 2004 is the first year I ever voted and it was against him. It's funny how family splits up!

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I began having heated political debates with my parents when I was in high school. They never ended.