Andy Kaufman's House of Chicken 'n' Waffles!

Some syrup may get on your chicken but that's okay.

Andy Kaufman's House of Chicken 'n' Waffles!
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A Kaufman is A. Kaufman in a Cage?

Found this little quote somewhere on Susan Orleans blog...

"Nov 22 02. Adaptation 2: The Reckoning: Just when you think this thing couldn't get any weirder, part 2... Don't know how much credence to lend this one, but I heard from a reliable source that there are rumors of an Adaptation sequel being made. (Really. I'm not making this up.) I'm speculating that the movie will be entirely about the process of making and promoting the first movie. Casting will be a nightmare...who are they going to get to play Cage playing Charlie Kaufman? Andy Kaufman?"

Re: A Kaufman is A. Kaufman in a Cage?

Susan Orlean said that? Ok, that makes me feel a little freaky-deaky! a little wowie-zowie! I mean, even the fact that it would occur to her to joke about it!

Maybe I'm drinking too much coffee these days.

Re: Re: A Kaufman is A. Kaufman in a Cage?

Coffee woffee?