Andy Kaufman's House of Chicken 'n' Waffles!

Some syrup may get on your chicken but that's okay.

Andy Kaufman's House of Chicken 'n' Waffles!
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AndyPop ChickyBroth

AndyPop ChickyBroth

So will we find the Andy-man?
And might we need a handyman?
His whereabouts a mystery,
Unless, of course, he ceased to be.

So here we sit, still on the trail,
Will logic, facts, or fancy prevail?
Will we find that he lives still,
A Butch who then became a Bill?

Or are we here now, weaving this path,
In simply some bizarre aftermath...
Of clues and tidbits left behind,
Mostly left just to remind?

I know not the answer for myself;
I keep some distance, for my health!
I admit some things are quite compelling,
Yet, so is what others seem to be telling!

They saw it, right before their nose...
Even though his eyes, they did not close;
They watched him draw his final breath,
And a doctor certified his death.

So this all seems so very weird,
The strangest things I've ever heared!
Who can tell which way this thing will go?
Don't look at me! I do not know!

It's sorta put me off my food...
Though some of it sounds mighty good...
But I still won't eat that Chicken Broth...
And am still pondering my Tootsie Pop.

Re: AndyPop ChickyBroth

I like it Rob. Thanks for a fun read. :)

Re: AndyPop ChickyBroth

Go Rob!