Andy Kaufman's House of Chicken 'n' Waffles!

Some syrup may get on your chicken but that's okay.

Andy Kaufman's House of Chicken 'n' Waffles!
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speaking of legend

" there are few things more romantic than premature death: all that potential tragically unrealized, with none of the indignities and disappointments and bad decisions of middle and old age to mar the purity of early achievement."

where's that press release that said Andy showed up at the HoB looking chubby and old, and passed a hat around for spare change and wanted a sandwich? When I first read that a year ago I didn't think it was so funny, but now it makes me giggle.

another movie review

I just saw the Enron movie. fantastic and sickening. very well done.

I don't understand, though, was Enron responsible then for the CA blackouts? I mean, completely, utterly? I'm going to read up on this.

Re: another movie review

That was my understanding from the movie. I would say the telephone recordings of the traders corroborates(sp?) this.

Re: Re: another movie review

Gray Davis got a lot of the blame. That is how we ended up with da guvernator.