Andy Kaufman's House of Chicken 'n' Waffles!

Some syrup may get on your chicken but that's okay.

Andy Kaufman's House of Chicken 'n' Waffles!
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Danger: Bear

Well, I rented Clear and Present Danger to see this Lee Bear character. He is only in one scene. He is a tall middle aged man with comboverish hair. I'd say too tall though, and too old. If he were Andy he'd have to be VERY heavily disguised. Unless someone else is using Mr. Bear's SAG card, I'd say thumbs down. I think it was filmed in Mexico. There is another security guy in it for a second who looks like Tony Clifton, but not the guy credited to Lee Bear.
Is there a good screen capture program for mac? I'll try and post a pic so you can give it the thumbs down for yourself.

Re: Danger: Bear

Is the bear your anal lover?

Re: Re: Danger: Bear

W, I really think it's time you stopped repressing your own homosexual tendencies and start expressing them in a healthier, less hostile manner. Or is it bestiality that your obsessed with now?