Andy Kaufman's House of Chicken 'n' Waffles!

Some syrup may get on your chicken but that's okay.

Andy Kaufman's House of Chicken 'n' Waffles!
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Adam Sandler

He's really funny. He voted for Bush too! Glad to see that there's some smart people still in hollywood.

Following response composed with punch up from Vilanch

Now I know for sure you're just trying pushing our buttons. What you don't know is, I rewired them. When you press the one marked "aggrevate" it connects to the neural pathway labelled "dismiss". I also rewired the voting lever in your district. When you pulled for Bush, you really voted for the Communist Party. Coincidently, If you pulled Adam Sandler's lever he might finally have something funny come out of him. He may even give you a job... or herpes... but not the gift of laughter, never, he couldn't possibly do that, no, not sweet laughter... ever.

Look out Momma, last of the red hot filibusters! Gett'm before they're extinct!

And while I'm on the subject of pulling communist levers. What's with no line ups for toilet paper. In MY country we used to have to wait FOREVER to get some of the good stuff. One time I was in line so long this joke was dated do to the fall of the Berlin wall. I had move to Banksome to find people who didn't know it had happened. They are also unaware that Andy Williams is really boring. Incidentally, he fakes his death every night. Down the street Enrique Presley hips it and lips it for tips (for real, look it up). But I dygress, I don't know what dygress means. I can't even spell it. So I guess I don't...

Adam Sandler, Yakov Smirnov and G W Bush walk into a bar.

Sandler says to the bartender "give me a screwdriver".

Smirnov says "a white russian".

Bush asks for "sex on the beach"

The bartender scratches his chin, pauses, then sticks a screwdriver in Sandlers ear, shows Yakov the mirror and tells Bush to go **** himself! (this punch up by avalanche)

Word up.

Re: Contender for best post of April.

I knew Roy was something special!
(even though Sandler does make me laugh.) I've rewired my aggrevate button to jostle my genitals so that I can at least get some stimulation out of it.

Re: Re: Contender for best post of April.

Sandler makes you laugh? Dear God! Next you'll say you like Rob Schneider.

Re: Re: Re: Contender for best post of April.

Will! The Will-meister. Will-a-bong, Will-a-rama-ding-dong. The Willster. Will-o'-the-wisp-man! The Will-ing-est one. Will-he-or-won't-he, Will-it-be-so, Will-y-Dill-y-Bill-y! Makin' cop-ies.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Contender for best post of April.

Will-a-bong sums me up.