Andy Kaufman's House of Chicken 'n' Waffles!

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Andy Kaufman's House of Chicken 'n' Waffles!
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Name something you'll always regret not doing in your life

I used to be good friends with a guy who could do a really good imprssion of Henry Kissinger. I'll always regret not getting him to do my answering machine outgoing message.

Re: Name something you'll always regret not doing in your life

Taking a fencing class.

Re: Re: Name something you'll always regret not doing in your life

I think that sounds pretty good to me, too... not having Lulu's friend do my answering machine message.

Oh, and not getting married and having kids... wish I hadn't forgotten to do that too!

Fencing... well, I don't need that; I live in an apartment. Maybe later when I have a yard I'll need a fence... oh yeah, add "not getting a house" to the list, too.

Re: Re: Re: Name something you'll always regret not doing in your life

I couldn't come up with anything, which surprised me. I do regret the decision to watch the Angel, Yankee game tonight. **** you A-Rod.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Name something you'll always regret not doing in your life

You mean it allows Karl Rove but not a synonym for Levy.

Re: Name something you'll always regret not doing in your life

She had rosey checks. And she liked me. Like an idiot I let her slip away. And my ******* friend took her from me.

Re: Re: Name something you'll always regret not doing in your life

Too easy.

Re: Re: Re: Name something you'll always regret not doing in your life

They are all too easy.