Andy Kaufman's House of Chicken 'n' Waffles!

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Re: Vicks

Steve Rocco From Orange County discussing Andy Kaufman Skyler Stone

“You look more like Andy Kaufman than I do” Skyler Stone

“You have to respect someone who rises to the top of his field yet still keeps his day job washing dishes.” Skyler

The women I love

Re: So, to pose a question... (semi-repost)

Note to Wannabelieve:

Sorry to remove your posts... I'm hoping you figure out and understand why. Just a privacy issue thang.

Here I'll repost the portion of your entries that begat that discussion thread:

"I know the question has been proposd before but are we really sure that the site isn't some how associated with Lynne? It seems kind of strange that she would allow it to link to her auctions and have her likeness displayed but know nothing about it or who's behind it. I see there are some new questions posted about the puzzle pic and the "story" which is now blank once again... "

And your other response within this discussion...

"Now about the aklives site: Just seems to me if I was Lynne not sure I would want to be associated with some of the stuff that went down with the whole Claire thing. Then again we're not so sure "Claire" has any official connection to the site I guess."

It appears that by trying to edit out a "leading" post, I lose the follow-up posts as well... so, sorry to folks who responded to this thread! I've tried to replace this roughly within the area on the board where it existed before. Wanna, if you wanna ask about the edit, feel free to email me.

Re: Vicks

NO problem Raawb. I'm just kind of a lurker, newbie who was exploring this theory when all the brouhaha went down with Claire etc... I'll pop in and out on occasion. No harn no foul.