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Welcome to the PetNetDesigns Message Board This message Board is for Pet Professioals. Discussions can include any Pet Industry topic. We are professionals, and profesionalism is expected when using this board. Absolutely no vulgar language or slandering of others will be tolerated.

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Re: Interested (Grooming schools) thanks for help

It's a tough decision...but think about it. The only way you become good as a practice - you may learn the basics at a school - but it's certainly not enough time to be confident to do your own thing. With your schedule, you should try to find a groomer in the area willing to train you - on weekends...... - and then work into it as you grow confident. You have to understand that you usually are paid by commission, and until you are fast enough to groom x number of dogs per day - you probably aren't going to be able to afford to change your career path for a while. GOOD LUCK.