I didn't know that the pitbull game has gotten this ad I was talking to my homie this morning and he told me he done with dogs because of bull**** this was given and told to put down a hound that was starved out he put 1200 dollars into the dog get him looking great he sees the dog looking let another man get in his ear me personally my homie has a golden heart gave the dog right because these ***** ass pussies was t worth jail time it's bad that u got grown men out here that does hoes but always know this type of behavior is for real them clown been like that towards u young blood let the dog stay with them cause he not gonna live long I should post the picture of this hound u sent me when u first got him to should the world with I think that was some ***** ***** **** I just want to tell the young great man keep your head up your doing great with you hounds know that its best to do u and stay single kennel cause clowns like that will have u losing your freedom or life over a flea bag when it millions of dogs in the world anytime a man is jealous over a man bout a dogs and his friends and calls a headed ofu with lies to keep u from buying a dog with your money is the pussies to **** I ever heard then the pussiest thing bout it he do All this stuff like this in the dark young man stay to yourself dont be discouraged your a good dude u good a heart of Gold and respectfully I admire your truth and honesty but those clown that done u like that just be steal they gonna crumble