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hello to all who are still wIth us

No particular message just thought I would say hello. For those who do not know me 1963 - 1971 Pembroke Dock, Lippatadt and Devizes. HQ Battery Clerk, RHQ Clerk and latterly 49 Battery Clerk. Left the Regiment in 1971 and went on to serve at the RA Wing Bovington, HQRA 1 Div (Verden),25 Fd Regt (Munsterlager). HQRA 1 Div (second tour) and latterly as Chief Clerk 103 AD Regt (V) in West Derby, Liverpool. I was discharged on pension in April 1982. Any one else who would like to say HELLO?

Re: hello to all who are still wIth us

Hello Alan. A bit of a lone voice on this board. I rarely drop in now because it is months between posts, only one other besides yours in 7 months! My Inkerman site doesn't fare much better but I do have a hardcore of about 10 that regularly take part in the daily quiz and post the odd message and it has become more of a private blog for me now, especially as I have taken over the responsibility of paying for it. I'm still trying to keep it "Membership only" in the hope of maintaining a bit of privacy for members and I have toyed with the idea of throwing it open to the public, with all the risks that that may entail, but am resisting it for now. Nice to see you are still around though. Unfortunately, we belong to a fast disappearing generation so it's a pleasure to see old comrades pop up on the web now and then. Take care Alan and I hope to hear from you again. Perhaps you might consider re-joining us on the Screaming Eagles site?

Re: hello to all who are still wIth us

you must have followed me about I was in Munster Lager with 94 locating regt and also RSM of 103 regt in Liverpool

Re: hello to all who are still wIth us

Hello Jimmy, nice to see you still around too. Sadly, we are getting thin on the ground now so all the more reason to keep in touch.

Re: hello to all who are still wIth us

Hi David it is good to see you are still tapping the keys. I have not posted for a long time so it is nice to get a response. UYes, you are right about our numbers diminishing. I myself have suffered with Parkinsons Disease for the past 5 years but medication appears to be holding it at bay. Good to hear from you so keep plugging on! Regards

Re: hello to all who are still wIth us

Hi Jimmy (favorite BSM, good to hear from you. I was in Munsterlager with 25 Fd Regt for 3 years until being posted to HQRA 1 Div in Verden in 1977. My last post was with 103 Regt in Liverpool but I did no know that you had prceeded me there in the post of RSM. Good to hear from you Jimmy, best regards

Re: hello to all who are still wIth us

Yorky as said mate glad to see your still with other olduns. LOL
Its true this page is not used much, thats because of face book, all the Batteries (49-18-94) have a FB site and David started a Regimental one back along and that is used most of the time. I dont know if your on FB ?
I have a very good civi mate who has Parkinsons, diagnosed 10 years ago and as you do he keeps taking the tablets. Try to keep smiling mate.

I will copy and paste your post on the Battery sites.

I will have to check the site more often.

Re: hello to all who are still wIth us

HI yorky
Certainly do remember you from Pembroke Dock and Lippstadt.
I joined 49 battery in 1962 and left 49bty in Lippstadt for a posting at the school of artillery signal wing in 1968.
Glad to see your doing well.
You rpbably remember me as staff Tarr.

Re: hello to all who are still wIth us

Hello Clive, good to see you still checking in with us. I sincerely hope all is well with you and your family. As is to be expected with us old farts, health is a big deal and most of us are struggling but as long as we have the support of friends and family it's not so bad. At least we are still here:+1: Keep in touch old pal and stay safe.