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Welcome to our forum. Feel free to post a message. This forum is for the promotion of Bluegrass Music in the states of Ohio and Michigan. If you have a question about a festival or a group, are looking for a special guitar, or just want to chat about the great show or jam you went to last night, here is the place. Let's all keep it clean and play nice, y'all here? For Michigan Bluegrass visitors... you'll have to use your back browser button to get back to the Michigan Bluegrass site! I'm sorry! Until we have seperate forums, we'll have to deal with this. We felt that one forum would be best and a little cheaper on our pocketbooks, since is all by donation and little bit of advertising! Hope you all understand!

Buckeye Bluegrass & Michigan Bluegrass Forum
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Marc Baum's Illness!

Hey all!

I just learned that Marc Bee (Marc Baum) has been very ill and in and out of the hospital. He is home now but doing very well. All of us are aware of Marc's radio show Blades Of Blue and how much he does to support our art. I'm wondering if anyone who lives close to him can reach out and see if he needs any help. At the very least we could send some letters or best wishes. Marc does alot for us maybe we can do something in return!!!

Re: Marc Baum's Illness!

" Father God we lift up the name Marc Baum to you knowing that you already know what is on our hearts and minds. We seek a blessing upon the life of Marc and an annointing of healing power from you over Marc. Father we ask you to forgive his sins and to comfort his friends and family that are concerend about Marc. Father God shine your light upon him and send an angel to watch over him and his home. We thank you in advance Father for the power of your love and the healing in Marc's life. In Jesus holy name we pray, Amen!"

Re: Marc Baum's Illness!

Hey Gary, if you hear anything more could you let us know?

Marc, hang in there buddy, you've helped a lot of people that follow and we'll be happy to pay you back. You're in our thoughts and prayers.

Re: Marc Baum's Illness!


Thanks to all for your kind thoughts and prayers. As many of you know, we actually had to suspend both local and syndicated broadcasts due to Marc's sudden bout with seizures. He had a seizure disorder as a child, but hasn't had any in over 13 years...until September. He is spending the night tonight at a local hospital to run even more tests. He is doing much better now, and he hopes that he will be 'back in the saddle' again soon. I do to.

Thanks again for your thoughts and prayers. I will try to keep everyone posted.

Jennifer Baum
Boulton Beach Studios

Re: Marc Baum's Illness!

Thanks Jen, let Marc know we're glad he's doin' better and hope he's home soon. Mike

Re: Marc Baum's Illness!

Well it's nice to see that anyone cares about a little DJ with a show about some good old fashioned bluegrass music!

Not back yet, just got to get to a computer for the first time in months. Thanks for all of your cards, emails, and prayers. Doc's ran the 'last' of the tests today, and might let me come back soon. I don't think I forgot how the studio works yet, but we'll see.

In the meantime, My family and I along with everyone at Boulton Beach Studios wish you and yours a most blessed and joyous Christmas.

Talk to you on the radio soon!


Re: Marc Baum's Illness!

Great to hear from ya Mark. Hope yer on the road to recovery. Take it slow and easy Bro.. We all wish you and yours a Merry Xmas, and hopefully a better new year. And Gary Fossaceca, thanks for keepin us posted.

Re: Marc Baum's Illness!

Welcome back Marc! I knew thay couldn't keep ya' down for long.

Gled to hear you're better, happy holidays to you and your family!

Re: Marc Baum's Illness!

Welcome back Marc! I knew thay couldn't keep ya' down for long.

Glad to hear you're better, happy holidays to you and your family!

Re: Marc Baum's Illness!

Hey Marc!

Glad to see that you are feeling better. If there's anything that you need please feel free to contact me anytime.!!!!!! We are one big family in bluegrass and we take care of our own.


Re: Marc Baum's Illness!

Howdy All.

Well, What a mess this has been. The good news is I feel better, have my voice back, and am going through some test runs in the studio. Haven't had any more that's good. Thanks again for all your thoughts and prayers for the past few months. Not much scarier for a radio guy than to start having seizures, and lose your voice. If all goes as planned we will be back up and running in February. In the meantime, we are still working on getting an online station up and running so that everyone an listen to bluegrass any time they want to!

Have a SUPER new year!

Take care and God Bless,

Marc Baum
Blades Of Blue

Re: Marc Baum's Illness!

Great News Marc!!! We're very glad to hear you're doing better. Remember, if there's anything we can do for you in Ohio just say the word and we can mobilize the troops!!!!!!
