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Buckeye Bluegrass & Michigan Bluegrass Forum

Welcome to our forum. Feel free to post a message. This forum is for the promotion of Bluegrass Music in the states of Ohio and Michigan. If you have a question about a festival or a group, are looking for a special guitar, or just want to chat about the great show or jam you went to last night, here is the place. Let's all keep it clean and play nice, y'all here? For Michigan Bluegrass visitors... you'll have to use your back browser button to get back to the Michigan Bluegrass site! I'm sorry! Until we have seperate forums, we'll have to deal with this. We felt that one forum would be best and a little cheaper on our pocketbooks, since is all by donation and little bit of advertising! Hope you all understand!

Buckeye Bluegrass & Michigan Bluegrass Forum
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Still looking for other BG pickers in Detroit area

OK, so we have guitar, bass, and banjo for sure, but could use any of the following: mandolin, dobro, fiddle, and/or 2nd guitar. Vocals a big plus. Traditional sounding, including originals, standards, and modern covers. Practice on Wednesdays in Hamtramck. Gigs pending, hope to record soon. Contact me if interested. Thanks y'all.

Re: Still looking for other BG pickers in Detroit area (Update)

Boo Hoo! Our webmistress Sherri had to back out of the project unfortunately. Thus, the project is in need of a banjo player as well. E-mail me for all details. Thanks for sitting in for a while, Sherri.