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Buckeye Bluegrass & Michigan Bluegrass Forum

Welcome to our forum. Feel free to post a message. This forum is for the promotion of Bluegrass Music in the states of Ohio and Michigan. If you have a question about a festival or a group, are looking for a special guitar, or just want to chat about the great show or jam you went to last night, here is the place. Let's all keep it clean and play nice, y'all here? For Michigan Bluegrass visitors... you'll have to use your back browser button to get back to the Michigan Bluegrass site! I'm sorry! Until we have seperate forums, we'll have to deal with this. We felt that one forum would be best and a little cheaper on our pocketbooks, since is all by donation and little bit of advertising! Hope you all understand!

Buckeye Bluegrass & Michigan Bluegrass Forum
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The Right to Screen E-Mails

Just a note to remind our loyal forum members that this forum was designed for the encouragement and discussion of Bluegrass music. This is not a forum for people to engage in personal attacks, name calling, and negative comments. We reserve the right to delete any messages that are of this nature. There are thousands of blog sites available for people to vent their spleens, and we encourage those who wish to do so to visit them. We have been called web Nazis because we have screened inappropriate posts. For those who would feel this way please keep in mind that this website is owned and operated by Westvon Publishing, and not by the public. We do not believe in stiffling free speech, but we cannot allow this site to become a free for all dumping ground of negative, juvenile behavior. We thank you for your support and love to hear from you ALL. Let's continue to encourage one another and promote this wonderful music we all love.