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Buckeye Bluegrass & Michigan Bluegrass Forum

Welcome to our forum. Feel free to post a message. This forum is for the promotion of Bluegrass Music in the states of Ohio and Michigan. If you have a question about a festival or a group, are looking for a special guitar, or just want to chat about the great show or jam you went to last night, here is the place. Let's all keep it clean and play nice, y'all here? For Michigan Bluegrass visitors... you'll have to use your back browser button to get back to the Michigan Bluegrass site! I'm sorry! Until we have seperate forums, we'll have to deal with this. We felt that one forum would be best and a little cheaper on our pocketbooks, since is all by donation and little bit of advertising! Hope you all understand!

Buckeye Bluegrass & Michigan Bluegrass Forum
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BG Act of the year

I am too lazy to retype what Jennifer typed. Please visit this link and then vote there or here. A couple OHIO bands nominated already by our listeners. GREAT JOB!
You have to either copy and paste the address, or just click on my website icon on this post!

Mark Bee

Re: BG Act of the year

WOW- over 500 votes so far...the best way to influence the masses, though, is to go vote at the poll at th website abouve! Show people who you like, and let's support our Ohio, Michigan, and Indiana bands!

Mark Bee

Re: BG Act of the year

Go Buckeye Bluegrassers!

Re: BG Act of the year

Here is another example of me copying Jen's post elsewhere! Some OHIO Bands are in the running - VOTE people and make it happen. You can vote here or send an email to and put vote in the subject line, and the group you want to vote for in the email! ONLY A FEW DAYS LEFT!


Just a quick update on TOTAL voting The top 10 potential nominees right now, (In Order) are:

Michelle Nixon & Drive

Todd Taylor "The Banjoman"

The Chris Talley Trio

Jussi Syren and the Groundbreakers

Faces Made For Radio

Chris Stuart & Backcountry

Grass Street

Exit 81 Bluegrass

The Just Bluegrass Band

Mike and Amy Finders

There have been THOUSANDS of votes from our listeners and these are the top ten so far. The top three are all still within 65 votes of each other!

We are certainly surprised by some of the voting! On October 1st we will announce the five top nominees and general voting will be held October 15th - November 15th, 2004.

Still time to get your vote in, and it is CLOSE so vote vote vote!
