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Prayer Request for Mike Mukavetz's Daughter-in-law


I was mediating in prayer and looking through my bible. This is what occured to me, a message-Mk 2:7, which is,On hearing this, Jesus said to them, "It is not the healthy who need doctors, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners."

Mike, if your daughter-in-law, Kathleen, is a true believer then there is a way. She must contact the Elders of her Church and request them to come as she wants to be anointed with oil. This process is common in the bible- Isa 1:6;Mk 6:13;Lk 10:34;Jas 5:14 and Rev 3:18. I would also have her, on a daily basis, repeat the Lords Prayer as much as she can; 1 Thessalonians 5:16: " Be joyful always; praying continually;give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus."

And for you dear friend:

" Father God, how great you are. What wonders abound in your Kingdom. What a blessing it is to be loved by You. And what a wonderous comforter you are. When I am weary you are there to give me the strength and energy to rise above. There is nothing that can not be done with you, Father. I believe in my heart that you are in control of these circumstances and that your perfect will shall prevail. I give thanks to all things unto you. In Jesus precious and Holy name...AMEN!"

Always one of my favorites- Psalms 23; please read.

God bless you and your family


Re: Prayer Request for Mike Mukavetz's Daughter-in-law

Thanks so much Kirk, I'm sure the prayers will help!

Re: Prayer Request for Mike Mukavetz's Daughter-in-law

Just wanted to thank Kirk and everyone for prayers sent. They worked! Kathleen's feeling better and was able to come home yesterday. She's still got a way to go but she seems to be on the mend. Thanks again for your thoughts. Mike

Re: Prayer Request for Mike Mukavetz's Daughter-in-law


That is great news Mike! I will continue to pray for her and the baby. All the glory goes to God!

God Bless you and your family

Kirk A Ritchie