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Roast Potatoes

Does anyone have a roast potato recipe? I remember these from the years I spent in SA, but when I make them, they are oily and bland! What spice was used, and can you post the recipe so I can make sure I am doing them right?

Re: Roast Potatoes

Hello Krystal
Try these recipes
Take care

Rosemary Garlic Roast Potatoes
10 Medium Potatoes
4 Cloves Garlic, crushed
4 tsp Dried Rosemary, crushed
140ml (¼ pint) Olive Oil

Scrub potatoes, do not peel and cut into four.
Steam for ten minutes.
Preheat oven to 190°C: 375°F: Gas 5
Add potatoes to a baking tin, with olive oil, rosemary and crushed garlic.
Shake to coat thoroughly.
Roast for 30 minutes.
Serve immediately.

Proper Roast Potatoes
Crispy Outside, Fluffy Inside!

4 1/2 lbs. (2kg) Floury Potatoes (Diseree, King Edwards)
Boiling water (to cover)
4 1/2oz. (125g) Vegetable oil or fat from the Roast

Preheat the oven to 425F/220C/Gas 7.

Peel the potatoes and cut them up into 3-4cm sized pieces. Place in the boiling water. Bring back up to the boil and cook for 10 minutes.

Meanwhile put a good splash of vegetable oil or 2oz. (50-60g) meat drippings in a large roasting tin and place in the oven.

Drain the potatoes. Put them back in the (now empty) pan. Put the lid on and give them a good shake. This gets the outsides of the potatoes all fluffy and gives them that crispness when done.

Take the roasting tin out of the oven and put it on a medium heat on the hob. Place the potatoes in the oil. Baste them well, then put them in the oven for about 1 hour.

You can baste them again during the cooking time, if you remember.

Serve with the roast meat and some other vegetables for a traditional British Sunday Lunch! They are, of course, a must to go with the Christmas Roast Turkey!

Re: Roast Potatoes

You have to start with the right type of potato, or you may end up with roast mashed potato! Parboiling reduces cooking time, (I give them about 6 mins in the microwave), after which I make a few slices about half the way through each piece. Then I add a little oil to the bowl and stir the potatoes gently to coat. Salt, pepper and Aromat are next, and maybe a little garlic, too. (We get a garlic bread seasoning in Australia that works really well) Next either put them in with the roast, or wait until the roast is done and while the meat is resting, roast the potatoes. (They probably need a higher heat than you would do the roast at so I do the latter method) Keep an eye on them, but 3/4 hours should be about right.