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Re: Re: I need a recipe

hi there,
not sure if you want to pre prepare the ingrediets and then cook the dish while on the trail, but when we go hiking we like to take pumpkin fritters, flapjacks and rusks for dunking in coffee.
then we also have the "Readymix" type of food that you buy in boxes and just add milk or water on trail. We also get specially prepared dehydrated food for hikers, its light to carry and you only add water and cook while on trail. After all, half the fun in hiking is the food preparation round the campfire, not so? Just ask if you want the recipy of any specific item, enjoy the hike, would love to see some photos of where you go hiking.

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I am looking for a recipe that can be fixed the day before , that is tasty and will stand up in a knapsack ,good for a day trip or weekend trip . if you can help please let me know. thanks rev stanley.