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Re: salad

Hi Melane,
The salad is called copper penny salad, I heve the recipe here somewhere, will post it as soon as I can lay my hands on it, still this weekend
Keep well

Re: Re: salad - here is the recipe

Copper Penny Salad

1 kg carrots, sliced in rings
2 onions, sliced in rings
1 green pepper, sliced
1 (82 kg) packet tomato soup
250 ml ( 1 cup) water
125 ml (1/2 cup) white vinegar
125 ml (1/2 cup) cooking oil
200 g ( 1 cup) white sugar
10 ml Worcester sauce
7 ml prepared mustard
salt and pepper

Boil carrots till half cooked, place in colander and rinse in cold water.
Arrange carrots in ovenproof dish, alternating with onion and pepper.

Mix the rest of the ingredients and cook for two minutes, stirring continuously.

Pour mixture over carrots and close the dish.

Let stand for 2 hours then serve.