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Angel of Blood's message board
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good for you

hi would just like to coment on how good this site you have a lot of inteligence and when i have time will have a more carefull read of the rest of your literuture ps sorry about the spelling
†ζŏšŧˆšŏų憙 xx and hugs look forwrd to reding soon take care

Re: good for you

Holy S H I T Batman! Some wrote in my message forum!!!!
Nice to meet you.

Re: good for you

hi its just good to see a good site that some body cares about and has put thought and work into will be back in and will post more take and hugs ps im not batman i aint that good looking take speak soon xxxxxxxx and hugs hope your nipers are cool as well

Re: good for you

hi me again you need to promote this site more got wicked material and a shame for it not to be used as much as it should also if not be anoying went to the doctors today and got a referal for a psch and some medication there a posibility i may be bpd any advice on what i can say about the thought of me being bpd or just go and be honest any help here would be good are others rooms i could ask but know you have a lot of experience in this field and intelgence so any help would be good take care and will be visiting quite a bit more right mission trying to get round all the stuff lol any ways take care

Re: good for you

Re: good for you

It's been a while. sorry that I have not been able to get back to you on your last post. Been very busy. Talk with you laterz, Angel